Chapter 72: Advice

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Sorry it's been a while
I've been sick most of the week, and busyyy


Zoe's POV

I get home from school with a bit of a headache and feeling a little sting of annoyance because of Zayn. My parents are gonna fucking slaughter me if this pregnancy test in my bag is positive.

I'm pretty sure I've heard that you can't take it until 2 weeks though - not that I know a whole lot about that stuff.

But why the fuck couldn't he just tell me right away?! I could have taken that the-morning-after-pill thing and we wouldn't have to worry at all.

My parents aren't home yet which is probably good since I'm not into conversation right now. Honestly I just wanna go upstairs and cuddle up in my duvet and watch TV-series all day.

That's if I didn't have homework, and tons of it.

Having taken off my jacket and shoes, I go to the kitchen and quickly let my eyes scan the inside of the fridge, but there's nothing I want so I just take a glass of water before going upstairs with my bag thrown over my shoulder.

Even though I know I can't take it yet, I get the pregnancy test out of my bag as I throw myself on my bed, and open the box that contains two strips and the manual.

Letting my eyes skim down the tiny letters on the neatly folded piece of paper, I realize I was right and I'll have to wait at least 14 days to take it to be 100% sure the test is accurate.

Putting the strips back in the box, I hide it in my underwear drawer and cover it up so not even Lucas can find it, before getting my computer, deciding I better start on my maths assignment that's due tomorrow which I had honestly forgotten about.

I can hear my mum and brother coming home an hour later, but I'm too comfortable under my duvet to go downstairs, and they don't come up either which is okay with me. 

Instead I check my phone, the two names Harry and Sexy Zayn <3 showing on my lock screen, saying I've got a text from them both. 

I quickly go and change Sexy Zayn <3 to Zayn, before reading Harry's message first.

- Sorry I was a bit weird earlier. H

It's cool that he apologizes, but as awkward as it was, since he's my friend it would have been more weird if he just ignored it and didn't say anything. 

- It's fine. It was false alarm anyway.
I know it's possibly a lie, but I can't have him walking around thinking I'm pregnant. That's embarrassing.

He answers before I get to read Zayn's message.

- That's good. So please just forget it. See you tomorrow

I give him a quick reply and read Zayn's really short text.

- Did you take the test??
I did expect him to ask that though.

- No i can't take it before 2 weeks
I reply, and like Harry he answers right away.

- No way. Can't you just try, there are two.
I can't help but smile at how impatient he is, but as much as it frustrates us all, it wont work.


Zayn's POV

I didn't sleep at all last night after I got home and into bed again after my short run. I tried for at least two hours, but there are too many questions and weird thoughts taking up my mind lately - about my dad and stuff. And it's like I can really get away from it.

I wonder if he ever thought about me and if he ever talked about me. I wonder what my sister's name is, if she looks like me and if she knows she has two brothers. But most of all i wonder if he ever felt bad or regretted how he treated my mum and i- especially my mum. He better.

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