Chapter 42: Discovery

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Even though I didn't hear much from him while I was away, he would have said something by now if he had cheated. He would. 

My phone buzzes, and a text from Zayn lights up my lock screen. 

- I'll be out in a minute, Mr. Hollis held me back :/ Meet you outside x

After receiving this note from Jade, I'd honestly rather walk straight home and check out what ever is on that memory card, rather than spending the day with Zayn. What is on that thing!?

- It's ok I can just walk, I'm busy with my history project anyway :*
I'ts actually no lie, just an exaggeration.

- I'll drive you anyway :* Are you free tomorrow then? x

I send a quick reply and walk to Zayn's car to wait for him, with a uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, trying to convince myself that the whole thing is probably nothing.

Either Jade's bluffing or it's the drug use she's on to - though I already know he isn't completely clean when it comes to his abuse. I don't feel like confronting him though, I guess I'm just waiting for him to tell me himself.

Completely lost in my own little world, I haven't even realized that Jai Davis, that guy Tamara once dated - .. or something - is approaching and is like 2 meters from me. It takes me further a second for me to notice that I'm standing between his and Zayn's car, blocking his way

He clears his throat, a small charming smile taking form on his lips. He does look good - not as good as Zayn, but close enough.

- "Oh. Sorry," I say awkwardly, and take a step to the side, giving him room to pass me. 

- "No worries," he chuckles, a friendly glint in his eyes, as he hesitantly passes me and gets his car keys out, his brown eyes lingering on my face for a second.

- "I don't think I have seen you around have I?" he unlocks the door but leaves it closed, and instead  he leans against the side of his car. "Are you new?" he asks, seeming genuinely interested - not in a flirty way, just curious as if he wants to get to know everybody.

- "Uhm yea I was. I started this year," I say, a bit taken aback by his extroversion. "What about you?" I already know the answer from Tamara, but it would be rude not to ask.

He nods. 
-"Used to go here, but took off to boarding school which wasn't for me so I came back. I'm Jai Davis by the way," he reaches his hand out towards me.

- "Zoe," I take his surprisingly soft hand, and he gives me a firm shake. "Fray,"

- "Nice to meet you Zoe. London accent?" he asks, smiling slightly. Now that's what I call a talkative guy. He doesn't seem so bad really. I see why Tamara would fall for him. 

- "Yea almost," I say smiling back, as Jai's right eyebrow is lifted in confusion, fixed on something behind me

He's No Good - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now