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I haven't had time to edit it, so there might big things that doesn't make sense lol
Friday afternoon and evening, I'm at my cousin's birthday party in Manchester. He turns 18 like me, so the entire family from my mum's side is gonna be there including some other cousins, some younger than me, some older than me.
We aren't that close in my family really, so we only see each other a couple of times a year whenever there's a bigger thing to celebrate.
To be honest our family parties are more like get togethers where we eat a lot and everybody pretends to have fun and quite frankly pretends to like each other and sound interested when asking each other what they've been up to lately. It's so fake, but it's tradition I guess.
Besides telling every uncle and aunt about how things are in school - fine - I get tons of questions once the word about me having a boyfriend has apparently been spread.
"Oh that's lovely, where's he from?" is pretty much what everybody comment when I tell them his name. I feel quite awkward being the center of attention like that.
I remember when my cousin Matt - the one who's birthday it is - got his first girlfriend when he was like 14. Everybody were asking about her and he was totally bragging, but the 'relationship' didn't last more than a week anyway.It's even more awkward when my mum's ever so lovely older sister asks my mum about Zayn, but she just sends me a weird glance and tells her that they don't really know him so well and laugh it off.
True though, my parents don't know Zayn at all and it's not like they even act like they wanna know what he's actually like. They never ask about him or ask what he likes to do or anything, they simply just avoid the subject which is sort of weird and offending in a way but also a bit relieving somehow.
Honestly I think that they think Zayn is just a brief fling and I think they are most of all just waiting for us to get over each other and break up.
I don't even bother telling them I'll be having dinner with him and his mum tomorrow.
Zayn's POV
Unexpectedly, Scott's friend Kevin was actually able to get us 4, Jason, Marc, Noel and I into the uni party without any complications.
The place looks bigger on the inside, and it's absolutely crowded with students, reminding me that if I hadn't repeated a year back then, I could actually be a university student right now.
It's slightly awkward at first, also since I'm just here to have a good time and not to get girls like I usually am to be honest, so I just start off by drinking loads, and my friends just tag along as we join a couple of people in the back in this more closed off sitting area.
I chat halfheartedly with some blonde who keeps pulling her white top more and more down while talking, to show off her cleavage, while Jason laughs at my attempt of ignoring her.
Eventually she does leave though, only to have her seat in the couch taken by two brunettes who squeeze together in the couch after not-so-subtly checking me out, while Jason and Noel has gone to the bathroom to get a fix.
We leave the party after 2 hours of talking and having an all round soccer tournament on the soccer table like kids, with the two girls and two random guys who wanted to join in. It's sort of a weird thing to do at a party, but it's funny when we're all wasted, and the girls suck at it.
- "You'll drive," I chuckle and hand Jason my car keys in the parking lot, that he takes with a smile and a lifted eyebrow.
- "Where to?" he asks as we all 4 drunkenly get in the car.
- "I thought you said you knew where it was?" I laugh.
We're trying to find some after party I think, but I'm feeling so drunk and so completely off, that I'm not even sure, and we might even be on our way home for all that I know.
- "I didn't say shit," he snorts and pulls out on the road. "We'll just see what's going on at Scott's then yeah?"
We nod as he starts dramatically taking up speed, with a wicked smile on his face.
He drives straight and all, and takes the right turns but he's going a lot faster than the speed limit.
- "I love your car Zayn," he gives me a funny smile making me laugh as he speeds up a bit more while Marc is smoking out the window in the back.
- "Mate can I have one, I've run out?" I ask and turn around just as Jason curses and looks into the side mirror.
- "Fuck," he chuckles sarcastically and slows down and pulls over seconds before a police car pulls up behind us.
Oh fuck.
- "Good evening gentlemen. Why in such a hurry?" a voice says as Jason rolls the window down. I can't see the officer since it's too dark and he's pointing a flash light right in our faces and I have too shield my eyes not to get completely blinded.
None of us say anything. It's pretty obvious we were speeding.
- "This car belongs to a Mr. Zayn Malik. Is that you?" the policeman asks skeptically, blinding me with his flashlight again, apparently having decided that Jason, the dirty blonde guy in the drivers seat could not have a name like that.
- "Yeah, that's me," I say.
He turns the flashlight off and looks at Jason again.
- "You look like you've been out. Have you been drinking?"
- "No sir, I haven't," Jason snorts.
He's high as fuck but he's right, he's hasn't been drinking.- "Yes alright, well we'll need you to run a test. You can all get out of the car," he says with authority in his voice, which I find strangely hilarious.
Jason opens the door and gives me a long glance before he gets out of the car and the policeman gives him the instrument that he's supposed to blow into, while another man in uniform - also equipped with a fucking flashlight, knocks on my window asking me to roll it down while looking at Marc and Noel who's still sitting in the back.
I roll it down just a bit to annoy him.
- "Can you get out of the car sir?" it takes me a couple of seconds to realize he's talking to me, pointing his stupid ass flashlight right in my eyes.
I roll the window down a bit more.
- "Why?"
- "We need to have a look in your car. Please get out sir. You too," he talks to Noel and Marc who sits in the backseat, looking rather scared.
- "Fuck no," I say. "What do you want?"
- "We're just gonna have a look. Please step out sir," he says a bit louder this time, while Noel and Marc gets out.
If they're looking for drugs, they're not gonna find anything anyway, but him and his stupid flash light is pissing me off.
I look to the left where Jason is busy blowing into a breathalyser and opens the door in my side, but object when the officer grabs my arm to pull me out.
- "Don't touch me," I wrestle myself free but feels suddenly dizzy as I get hard ground under my feet, my head still strangely cloudy from all the alcohol.
I stagger a couple of step backwards joining my friends two meters from the car, as the officer and his flash light start searching the car, starting in the back.
We smoke a cigarette waiting for the cop to finish looking through all my shit, while Jason passes his alcohol test but receives a white note that I assume is a speeding ticket.
The cop is holding a metallic object in his hand as he closes the door and looks at me.
- "Is this legal?" he asks, holding out the pocket knife.
Oh. Fuck.
- "Yeah," I say.
I'm not sure really. I think it's too short and harmless to be illegal but I haven't checked.
I had completely forgot all about that knife. I got it from some guy called Kyle that I used to sell coke to.
He'd got all these sick knifes lined up on his desk in his room, it was pretty weird, but I saw this knife and thought it was cool and compact and stuff so we made a deal; I got the knife and he got a little extra.
- "Can I ask you why you have a knife in your glove compartment?"
Because I used to be a pusher and it's a dangerous business.
I just shrug. If it's not illegal, I don't have to explain.
- "Do you any ID on you?"
I earn a chuckle from Noel as I dig into my pocket and hand him my drivers licence, and he gives me a warning glance as I smirk back a Noel and scribbles something down on a notepad.
- "We'll turn it in. And we'll contact you when you can stop by the station to get it back, alright?" he glances at my friends too. "We're letting you go with a speeding ticket and a warning. Have a nice evening, drive safely boys,"
- "Oh my god," Marc laughs, throwing his cigarette over his shoulder. "I thought he was gonna arrest your or something when he pulled that knife out," Noel pads me on the shoulder as we enter the car again.
Well I at least that sobered me up.
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He's No Good - Zayn Malik
FanfictionWARNING: This contains mature content such as sex, drugs, violence. Zoe Fray has just moved to Bradford when she meets Zayn - a guy from her neighborhood who's got the looks of a Calvin Klein model, and an arrogant yet alluring bad bo...