1-Sam Dangeld

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"-shipment will be made tonight. Yes. Yes. 12 exactly. Get it done Max," my father ordered.

This wasn't unusual for me. I'd just be sat on the sofa with my dad, watching TV; his phone would ring; he'd leave the room to take it because it was 'a very important business call' and i would be left listening on the other side of the closed door. Then, when he hung up, I'd scurry back to my seat just in the nick of time.

But not today.

I ran to the sofa, waiting for my dad to rejoin me, acting as casual as I always am. But he didn't return.

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

30 minutes.

I'm tired of this now, where is my daddy? The sofa springs bounced back up with a 'pang' and I cautiously go into the kitchen, searching for my dad.

The first thing I see is his gun. It's always just laying on the counter. When I was 5, I tried playing with it but dad caught me and scolded me; it didn't hurt...much.

Then I saw him, curled up in a corner, phone pressed to his ear as tears flowed down his face, leaving shimmering trails behind, like tiny rivers.

"Please don't hurt her," he chanted into the receiver over and over again.

"Daddy?" I whisper softly, carefully approaching him. His head snapped up, hurriedly wiping away the tears with his free hand, while he used the other to slam the phone shut.

"Lydia!" He exclaims, quickly pulling himself together and standing up.

I gulp. "I was waiting daddy, I just wanted to know where you'd g-" I try to explain, I knew he'd do this as soon as I saw the phone.

"No Lydia! You should have waited. You never come into the kitchen while I'm in here again without knocking, okay?" He commands in a rough tone.

I nod my head, staring at my feet. Now I know what you're thinking, why don't you just stand up to him?
Well my dear people, I would just like to introduce you to my dad. He is, Robert Fangio, the gang leader. Yep, my dad is a gang leader and that makes me, Lydia Fangio, the gang leader's daughter.

"Come on Lydia, let's go watch some TV," dad suggests and I merely follow him to the sofa, sit down next to him and snuggle into his shoulder while we watch a film.

"I have to go out again tonight," dad states quietly. I nod my head, like always...


"Lydia!" Jimmy exclaims, wrapping his arms around me while I pull a book from my locker.

"Hey Jim," I reply, a lot less excited than he is about all of this.

"Cheer up, it's school photo day!" He jumps up and down, pulling me with him. Let me get this straight, well, not straight... Clear, let me get one thing clear. Jimmy is gay. He has a boyfriend in our year called,

"Franklin!" Jimmy releases me from his bear hug to engulf Franklin in one (he's a bit of a hugger if you hadn't guessed).

"Hello to you too," he laughed, pecking his boyfriend's cheek. "Hey Lyds," he adds.

"Hi," I greet grumpily.

"Cheer up, you look lovely," Jimmy compliments me.

I shake my head, "Shut up Jimmy! You should know by now: I don't like pictures of myself!"

He just sighs, nodding his head before taking Franklin's hand. "Franky," he bats his eyelashes like a girl.

"Yes?" Franklin asks, looking straight at Jimmy with an amused expression, barely containing his laughter.

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