18-two weeks later...

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A/N:this chapter will have a lot of view changes, just a warning...
Also, due to length, it's split into two (possibly 3) parts so there will be more writing from me before the epilogue is written.
Enjoy the chapter.

*Lydia's POV*
Its been two weeks and despite the fact dad still hasn't told us what he thinks of the whole 'co-gangleader' thing, everyone is in a chipper mood. Then again, I suppose we can thank dad and Ilene for that.

I have two hours to get to Ilene's parents' house where Ilene and her party are getting ready and then actually get ready so that everyone is on time for the wedding. That's right, it's the big day!

The boys are getting ready at our house due to the whole 'the groom shouldn't see the bride before they reach the alter' thing. Sam left me a note when I woke up this morning:

Morning beautiful,

I had to leave you while you were asleep because I had to go visit dad. Rob invited him to the wedding but he didn't reply so I had to go (due to being his son and all) and 'request his presence'.

I hope you slept well even after I left. There's a little something left on your dresser from me-for the wedding-and I hope to see you wearing it.

Love you with all my heart,
~Your Sam xxx

So after reading the note, I got out of bed and continued to search my dresser for the so called 'gift'. After less than a second, I found it.

A long, rectangular box covered in purple velvet (like that from a jewellery store) sat, closed with a white ribbon tied into a bow around it. However, instead of opening it at that exact moment, I decide to wait until I'd finished getting ready for the wedding to open the box-the last touch per say.

Leaving the box where it was, I quickly took a shower and changed into a light blue sun dress, throwing my hair up into a messy bun (just for simplicity and easiness-I'd be changing soon anyway).

"Lydia! Ilene's leaving now so if you want a ride, hurry up!" Dad shouted up the stairs. So I hurried to grab my dress and bag before scampering down the stairs, planting a kiss on dad's cheek and running to Ilene's car just before she drove away.

We spent the forty minute drive just laughing and singing along to the radio. I could tell that Ilene was nervous but figured me assuring her that it would be fine and bringing up the topic would just make her even worse.

Just after pulling up to the house, a flock of girls swarmed the car, yanking open the doors and pulling us and our stuff inside the house. I briefly saw who I assumed to be Ilene's parents, kiss her cheek in greeting before I was shoved into another room to get ready, my things flying in behind me.

It took me ten minutes to sort my hair into a pretty hairstyle that had a sparkly hair-clip holding it up on the side of my head (A/N: picture below this paragraph shows the type of hairstyle but in a different colour from Lydia's fiery red hair).

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