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*Lydia's POV*
Ile-no, sorry, still getting used to this. Mum and dad have been gone for two days so far and they're still gunna be gone for another ten. They went to dad's private island - it's actually the gang's but dad uses it the most so it's basically just his anyway - for their honeymoon.

Dad called us yesterday and said that they were fine. I have a feeling that they'll have a 'big surprise' when they get back, if you know what I mean *points to stomach*.

But honestly, I couldn't be happier. If I get a little baby sister or brother, mum and dad will be happy and I'm sure Chris will be happy about it too. Talking of Chris, he's been staying at his friend's house for a little over a week now and I'm seriously wondering when he's coming home. I asked dad yesterday but he didn't know. He did, however, agree to ask Ilene and tell me the next time he calls which should be at about eight tonight.

Why tonight, you ask? Well, today is my eighteenth birthday. Dad made up a rule ages ago. He was away for my fifth birthday and so promised to call me at five o'clock at night to say happy birthday. The rule being that if he wasn't there to witness it first hand, he'd call at the hour depending on my age. So, because I'm turning eighteen, it'll be the eighth hour.

Anyway, so that's the update on Chris, mum and dad, what about Sam and I? Oh, well we're great, as loved up as ever. As most teenage girls are at this age, I'm a little worried that he might take one of our 'make-out' sessions too far when I'm not ready, but I trust Sam and he hasn't done anything wrong so far so it's not that much of a big deal.

I'm not sure if Sam knows it's my birthday. He hasn't said anything except that we're going out tonight. Other than that, I honestly have no idea. He told me to be ready to pop out to the shopping market at about three so I really don't think he knows. However, I'm not about to just tell him, that would make me seem desperate; I'll just wait for him to figure it out on his own.


"Lydia?" Sam calls.

"Hmmm?" I reply from my bedroom, pulling the pencil from my mouth. I hear him moving up the stairs so quickly hide the paper beneath my blanket.

"What're you doing?" He asks.


"Okay then... Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, come on," I sigh, getting up. He shrugs on his jacket and holds mine out for me. I giggle, slipping my arms inside and turning round to face him. His arms wrap around my waist and I reach up to wrap mine around his neck.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, looking at my face questioningly, as if searching for my answer there.

"Nothing's wrong Sam, I'm fine," I sigh. He furrows his eyebrows for a moment before leaning down to kiss me. Obviously, I kiss him back and by the time we pull back for air, it's already been two minutes. "Come on, let's go," I remind him, unhooking my arms from his neck and grabbing his hand.

We leave the house, getting into his car before making our way to the shop. What should have been a short trip turned into an hour long shopping trip because Sam kept remembering things he 'needed'.

So at about five o'clock, we were finally going home. We sat in the car, driving towards home in silence. I was still a little annoyed at Sam because he forgot it was my birthday today and then when he kept making us go back inside the store about fifty times, my anger just kept increasing.

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