17-teddy bears and conversations/ 'Expect the unexpected'

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*Rob's POV*
My left hand ran gently over the pages of the book, my eyes skimming over the words, telling me all about the venue we had already chosen. My right hand toyed with the label of a little teddy bear that Chris had bought to me. It was a ratty old thing, rips and tares showing the worn stuffing; one eye missing while the other clung to the final thread like a lifeline; a stitched patch on its left side where the arm used to belong; its coat holding a brownish-black colour due to age and use. But despite its ware, it still managed to provide a little comfort.

Truth be told (shamefully at that), i'd been crying over Lydia. She wasn't impressed about the sudden wedding and when she ran off, only to be carried home, unconscious, by Sam, my heart broke a little.

That's why Chris had given me the bear, claiming 'it's more useful to you than me'. Who new that a three year old could hold so much wisdom?

I jumped when I felt two hands gently rest on my shoulders. However, I immediately relaxed when I noticed it was Ilene. She gently squeezed my shoulders before running her hands up and down my arms for comfort.

"She's going to be fine, stop worrying," she reassured. I nodded my head but was still weary of possibility. If she didn't wake up today, we're taking her to the hospital to see what's wrong.

I sighed, pulling Ilene onto my lap and burying me head in her neck. Her fingers soothingly ran through my hair and I subtly breathed in her intoxicatingly safe scent, allowing it to relax my senses.

Voices - one that i'd longed to hear for the past two days - broke me from the daze and my head snapped up from the crook of Ilene's neck to feast upon the sight of my alive and awake daughter.

"Lydia?" I asked, as if this was just a fragment of my imagination, as if I were just dreaming.

"Congratulations," she says softly. A smile graces her face and she gives me a look saying that she's honestly happy for us.

Sam stood just behind her, his arm wrapped tightly around her waist; I sent him a thankful look - he'd obviously spoken with her. He nodded back at me ever so discreetly before looking down at Lydia. He caught her gaze and they shared a loving look before walking over to sit on the other sofa together. Sam pulled Lydia onto his lap just before her bottom hit the sofa cushion. She sent him a stern look but he just smiled cheekily before resting his head on her shoulder.

I didn't need to be told what happened; I already knew. When Lydia was little, (just after witnessing her mother's brutal murder) she had a series of attacks. I took her to the hospital once (when she was once again, unconscious) and they told me that it was caused by traumatic stress- she was having stress-caused panic attacks. This was just another one, cause through the shock and stress of my announcement.

Lydia glanced between Ilene and I, a genuine smile on her face and asked, "How can we help plan?"


After three more hours of planning for the wedding, we took a break to make and eat dinner. Sam and I took responsibility of setting the table and sorting drinks, whilst Ilene and Lydia (being the best cooks) prepared the food.

Sam stood opposite me, pouring a glass of orange juice into Lydia's glass while I set out napkins and cutlery. I turned to him, "Thank you for talking to Lydia about the wedding, it's nice to know she approves."

He smiles at me, "It's fine, just remember this favour in the near future," he replies mysteriously.

I raise an eyebrow but drop the subject, after all, he did say 'the near future' so I was bound to find out soon...

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