14-then this happened...

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*Sam's POV*
I don't know these people. That's what's worrying me. I knew Fred; a guy that wouldn't hurt us even though he had a problem with Rob. But these guys, I don't know them so I can't tell what they'll do to us.

"Sam," I heard Lydia whisper beside me. Her head is rested on my shoulder, our hands cuffed uncomfortably behind our backs.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I whisper back, adding a small smile.

She blushes, "why is it us?" She asks.

"Why is what us?"

"Why is it us that's always kidnapped? Why couldn't they take someone else? We've already been through all this, so why not choose someone else?" She asks almost desperately, tears forming in her eyes. My hands itch to catch her tears, but these stupid cuffs prevent it.

"I-" I begin, only to be cut off by one of the big, bulky men in the front.

"Shut it before I shut it for ya!" He grunts. Lydia sniffles, a tear running down her cheek making me frown. An idea springs to mind so I lean over and kiss the tear away, making her cheeks flame red whilst her lips curl up into a shy smile. I return it before pecking her lips comfortingly.

"I love you princess," I whisper.

"I love you too Sam," she replies just as quietly. Her head falls back onto my shoulder as we sit the rest of the ride in silence.


The building was small, looking run down and abandoned; why anyone would choose to situate a gang here, I don't know.

We were yanked out of the car roughly before being lead to a small cell-like room and shoved inside. The walls, ceiling and floor were concrete and the only sign of anything other than air was a bucket in the corner that I had an idea would be used for a toilet...

Luckily, they had taken off the cuffs so we could now use our hands, but the red rings around our wrists would certainly be a reminder of them.

I looked around the room but my attention was soon pulled to my beautiful girlfriend who was curled up in the corner, her knees drawn to her chest. My feet quickly moved me to her side and I crouched down beside her, pulling her into my arms.

"Sh, baby girl, it's okay. We'll be okay, I promise," I whispered quietly though it seemed as though I was trying to convince myself as well.

"I-I-I can't stand this m-much long-ger Sam. We shouldn't be s-suffering-g because of d-dad," she whimpers.

"I know baby, I know," I rub her back soothingly. She spins stops crying and we just sit there, her on my lap with her head on my chest and my arms securely wrapped around her. We didn't move from that position, just stayed like that until we gradually fell asleep.


The sound of smashing and banging broke through the silence. It came from outside the door but I could still hear it and that's exactly what awoke Lydia from her sleep. I'd been awake for what I presumed was roughly an hour, just watching as Lydia slept peacefully.

"What was t-" Lydia was cut off when the door squealed open, the rough metal scraping against the ground while the weight made the hinges nearly snap. A figure, one I really wanted to see right now, stood in the doorway, his face looking frantic.

"Rob?" I asked in pure disbelief.

"Thank the gods! I've been looking for 20 minutes for you two, checking every cell here!" He exclaims, rushing forwards to envelope Lydia into a hug. She hugs him back tightly.

People quickly flooded the small room, I recognised them as members of the gang.

It was at that point that another sound shattered the air.

*Lydia's POV*
The sound of the gun firing silenced the commotion that had erupted in the room. It cut through the noise like a knife through the air. Everything was silent.

Or maybe that was just to me. Maybe it was just that the sound was ripped from my world as everything came tumbling down around me. Maybe it was just the silence that enveloped me as I watched the bullet pierce their skin, devouring their consciousness and making me believe them dead.

It was the scene that played out in front of me as I sat frozen that made me immune to the sound of the sirens. I couldn't hear anything at all, only see, watch at police and medics rushed in, handcuffing bad guys and taking his body away from the compound, from me.


I'm sorry it's short and I'm sorry it's a cliff hanger.

Random pic of Derek at the top.

Ooo... Who got shot?
Any ideas?
I'll update soon, I promise.

Vote, comment, follow.
~Ebz x

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