13-they went to the park...

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*Lydia's POV*
So, after finally accepting Ilene (with Sam's help...), I find out she has a little boy?! How can this be real?

"Calm down Lyd," dad tries to sooth me, putting out a hand as he approaches me. "Let me explain."

"Explain my ass! She has a kid dad! Why does she have kid?!" I yell.

"Lydia, just let him explain," Sam whispers in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I close my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again and nodding.

"Okay, explain," I demand.

"So basically, when Ilene went away, she went to a big, fancy university, met new friends and such. She didn't know at the time, but those 'friend' weren't really all that good. She found out that they were into drugs, dealing and smoking them, and that they had broken the law on quite a few occasions.
They gained Ilene's trust and one night, after a stressful week of exams and such, they invited her to a party. She decided to let loose for once as she needed the break.
Someone slipped some alcohol into her soda that night, meaning that she ended up drunk. She doesn't remember who it was that spiked her drink, nor does she remember in full detail what happened after that.
All she knows is that after one drink, she kept on going, somehow made it onto the dance floor where some guy lured her into bed. He didn't wear a condom so she woke up pregnant. He was nowhere to be seen the next morning and she had no idea who the guy was, so he doesn't even know that Chris exists. Ilene couldn't kill him, she's never been able to harm anything...that's one of the things I love about her," he finished dreamily.

My anger had subsided, replaced by understanding with an ounce of admiration. She had managed to make my dad love again (whilst raising a child!) and for that, I was grateful.

"Ah! Daddy, help! Mommy monster is after meeee!" Ilene's little boy ran into the kitchen, screaming. I felt a pang of jealousy hit my heart when I thought about how my daddy had another child now, but I pushed it aside when I saw the next scene play out.

You know those moments where you feel like you're watching a scene from somewhere else than where you really are. Like your able to move anywhere and see it from any angle, without people looking and staring at you. That's the kind of moment I had then.

Dad scooped the little boy up and tossed him in the air. Ilene soon came skidding to a halt beside them, a huge grin plastered on her face. I was conscious of the smile I returned her smile with when she looked at me but was still in a daze as I watched the little family play together.

It felt almost as if dad didn't need me anymore. He had his own family now, a complete, whole, family of his own. And me? Well I was just a little girl, forgotten in the mist of new experiences, searching for a love that no longer existed within this world.

Something squeezed my waist and I twisted my head slightly to see Sam. His head was rested comfortably on my shoulder while his arms were looped around my waist. I studied his face, my eyes brushing over every tiny detail- the slight curve of his nose; the scar that appeared faintly above his left eye; the freckles that lightly dusted his nose, emphasising his facial feature perfectly.

"I love you," he whispered quietly into my ear, so quiet that only I could hear it.

I turned my head to awkwardly kiss his cheek before whispering back, "I love you too."

He turned my in his arms, making me face him and pecking my lips. His arms hung loosely around my waist and his chest was only a mere centimetre away. I gradually leaned forwards, pressing my forehead to his chest while he rested his head on top of mine.

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