4-Our little escape

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*Robert's POV*
"What do you mean? I thought you said that you were off duty now?" I queried, picking holes in Sam's speech.

"I know what I said. But I need back in. I'll be able to do night missions but if I'm needed during the day, I'll have to make a valid excuse for missing school," Sam explains.

"Why do you want back in now?" I ask, leaning back against the counter.

He took a deep breath and released it before answering, "I need to protect them."


"Like you don't know! Dad, Bailey, Harry, God; even Lydia!" He shouted.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" I snarled, moving quickly so that he was pushed up against the wall with my hand clasped around his throat.

Something flashed in his eyes, "N-nothing! I j-just... Talked t-to her! We're f-friends if e-even that!" He choked and I allowed my grip on his neck to lessen.

"And it had better stay that way!" I slowly walk back towards the counter, placing my palms against the cool marble. "Alright, I've got a meeting tonight. As you're so persistent to protect my daughter, you can come along. You will stay quiet, keep hidden and have your gun on and loaded at all times, understand?"

He nods, his breathing levelling out. "Yeah, sounds okay."

"I'm going to talk to Lydia. You can either sit still and shut your trap in the living room or get out of my house." Without waiting for a reply, I pushed myself off of the counter and went up the narrow stairs towards my daughter's room. I vaguely heard Sam make his way into the living room and sit down.

"Lydia?" I called when I reached her room, softly knocking on the door.

No reply.

"Lydia, I know you're mad, but I'm sorry. Please let me in," I plead.

Still no reply.

"Lydia Fangio, open this door, now!" I ordered but was only met with more silence. "You leave me no choice!" I yelled before grabbing the spare key, unlocking the door, turning the handle and barging into her room; her empty room.

"Is everything alrig- where's Lydia?" Sam questioned, his voice rising a little in panic or something like that.

"Like I know! Lydia! Lydia?" I call out, listening carefully for any sign of life, any sign of my beautiful baby girl. But there were none. She was gone and obviously didn't want to be found.

*Sam's POV*
When Rob left me in the living room, I sat on the sofa, thoughts running wildly through my mind. One thing stuck out though, like a sore thumb compared to the usual thoughts of violence and deals for the gang, the thought was a name: Lydia.

It was funny. I had known the girl properly for one day and was already being so overprotective and possessive, that's so not good...

Truth be told, I'd known Lydia for years. I first met her when I was five. My dad had some business to take care of with Rob for the gang and because our babysitter wasn't available, dad brought me with him to their house and I stayed in the playroom while they talked.

Lydia came into the room about ten minutes after I got there. I'd been playing with a little wooden train that I had found when she walked in. Her fiery red hair fell over her shoulders, barely reaching her stomach, making her crystal blue eyes pop.

She closed the door behind her before turning around and pausing. Her blue orbs were focused solely on me, curiosity etched across her face.

I scurried to my feet, "Er...H-Hi. I'm s-Sam," I stuttered, mentally cussing myself for that terrible first impression. But, my cussing was unnecessary.

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