5-Fred Sullet

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Taking small steps forward, trying not to make any noise for the risk of her finding me here with her dad, I slowly made my way to the water's edge. The liquid shone a pale blue colour with specks of green shimmering here and there. My gaze lingered on the red-head laying on the rock in the centre, watching the tips of her hair slowly drift to the right as the water dragged it away.

"Lyd?" I whispered hoarsely, trying to gain her attention without frightening her.

She stayed silent, not moving.

"Lydia?" I tried again, my voice rising as fear began to trickle into my stomach.

She stayed still.

"Lydia!" I all but yelled.

When she still didn't move, the trickle turned into a waterfall and without a second thought, I jumped into the lake and paddled as fast as I could to her still body. The unnatural coldness of the water didn't even register in my mind and the fact that the bottom of her trousers and feet weren't wet was an insignificance.

After escaping the waves, I kneeled beside Lydia, putting my fingers to her neck to check for a pulse. Ever so slightly, a beat played beneath my fingertips and I swear, my own heart stopped for a second as the relief flooded my body.

Carefully, I pulled her head into my lap and inspected her body. She had two large, purple bruises on her wrists; a deep gash ran along her forehead; her shirt had risen a little, allowing me to see the greeny-blue colour of the large bruise; it looked as if her ankle was also hurt, judging by the unnatural angle at which it was directed.

Her eyelids twitched, as if she were dreaming restlessly, here eyeballs flitting about beneath her closed lids. Her lips made tiny, barely noticeable, movements as she muttered beneath her breath.

"Sam....no....don't...." She whispered barely audibly but I still heard her.

"Lydia, wake up!" I all but shouted, gently shaking her shoulders. I guess she finally heard me, as she shot up, skimming my chin with the top of her head.

Her head moved from side to side, frantically searching for something or someone that could explain what had happened. After a few moments of scanning the area, her eyes landed on me, still sat behind her, and she blinked a few times, as if unsure of what to do or who I was.

"Lydia?" I called. She blinked again before something clicked and she jumped to her feet, wincing as pain shot through her leg. I got onto my own feet and took a step towards her but she stumbled backwards, reaching the edge of the rock.

"D-don't!" She stuttered loudly.

"What's wrong Lydia? It's just me, Sam," I asked. The panic began to fill my stomach again and I stepped back when fear flashed across her own face.

"Sam, y-you can't be here! T-they're c-coming b-back! Where's d-daddy? They want him t-too!" Quickly, she crossed the gap between us and launched herself into my arms.

"Lydia, what happened?" I ask while she begins to sob into my shirt. Her knees gave out but I caught her, gently lowering both of us to our knees while she cried.

"Th-they t-t-took me here to-to lure d-d-daddy-y here s-so they co-could ta-take him. I-I'm the bait!" She wailed.

"Who's 'they'?" I ask as I rub soothing circles on her back with my hand.

"That would be I!" A booming voice fills the clearing and I turn my head to see the one and only Fred Sullet, leader of the West Turrets. He's been on our tails for over ten years, trying to take down Rob and his members since he became the leader of WT.

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