6-Nightmares and 'feel better' cuddles

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*Lydia's POV*
It hurts.

The pain in my chest, it hurts.

I don't know what it is, but it hurts.

My eyes fly open and the pain increases, sending a shock though my chest without any warning. My head pounds and my hands are clammy. My screams still filled my head, accompanied by those of the one I love yet miss so dearly.

The images flashed behind my eyelids when I closed them, never ceasing to haunt my dreams, turning them all to nightmares. Her short and skinny frame cowered away from the hooded man. His left hand held high above his head, gripping onto the knife with such force that it looked as if the handle may break.

While I watched the man bring the knife down upon her, I hid in a cupboard, out of sight from the man that killed her, sobbing soundlessly. Her blood ran crimson, trickling down her torso and onto the floor, puddling at the man's feet.

I remember the next thing that happened down to the finest details. The killer bent down on his left knee over her body and planted a soft, lingering kiss on her forehead before disappearing, like a bat into the blackened sky. I crawled out of the cupboard and over to her dying figure, wrapping my arms around her whilst ignoring the sticky, fresh blood that poured from the wound.

Those images, the events that happened that night are horrible and they do indeed haunt my dreams, making me sleep deprived and emotionless many days, but the worst thing from that night was her last words, the words she managed to get out with her last breath, "I love you Lydia, look after him..." Then, her breathing stopped, along with her heart.

A hand on my shoulder startles me even more, pulling me to reality rather than the past. I follow the arm attached to the hand, to the owner and find myself gazing into a pair of soft brown eyes; my panic begins to fade and the images disappear as if absorbed by his hazel orbs.

"Are you alright?" Sam asks.

I shakily nod my head, "yeah, I'm f-fine." He gives me a sceptical look but doesn't push it.

"Have a good sleep?" He asked after a moments silence.

"No," I answered shortly. He gave me a curious look, as if trying to read my facial expression but I kept it blank for that very purpose.

"Hmmm," he hummed. "Well, we still have another two or three hours until we get to Fred's hideout, but you can go back to sleep if you want to."

Quickly, I shook my head, trying to push away the pictures as they threatened to embed themselves upon the inside of my eyelids. "I-I'm not tired," I lied.

Maybe it was the desperation in my voice, or the fear that was most definatly presented in my eyes, but something made Sam give in. He didn't ask anymore questions, just flashed me a knowing smile, accompanied with a look of empathy.

"Okay, no sleeping. What about..." He began but a thought popped into my mind and I blurted it out before even thinking.

"How about a cuddle?" I suggested. About a second later, I realised what I'd said and began to stumble over my words, "I-I... No, I d-didn't-"

My rambling was cut off by two arms that folded around my waist. Neither of us were wearing seat belts and the seats were just one large bench sort of thing so it wasn't that hard to get comfortable.

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