16-announcements overreactions and falling

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*Lydia's POV*
I went with Sam about twenty times to visit dad over the next month. He gradually began to get better and better and to luck have it, he was out right when predicted.

Whenever we went, Ilene was almost always there too and the two seemed...happier about something. They acted more like a couple, snuggling together on the bed, holding hands or even small kisses before Ilene left, it was cute in a really odd way-he is my dad after all.

Anyway, so two days after dad was released-told to get bed rest but ignored it and continued to move freely around the house as if nothing were wrong-Sam and I were sat on the sofa, watching finding Nemo in each other's arms, when Ilene and dad came in holding hands. They sat down on the other sofa and watched the remainder of the film with us.

When the film finished, they turned on the lights before turning to us. Ilene's eyes held a certain spark and there was an air of excitement surrounding them.

"We have an announcement and we want you two to know first," dad began, taking Ilene's hand in his own and entwining their fingers.

"What?" I asked curiously, looking to Sam to see if he knew what they were going to say. When he shook his head, we turned back to them.

"We're-" dad began but Ilene cut him off before he could finish.

"We're getting married!" She squealed as if she were a teenager that had found the perfect outfit for prom or something.

"Congratulations you two," Sam congratulates them while I stare blankly at them.

Ilene smiles warmly at him in appreciation before following my dad's gaze to me.

"Lyd? What do you think?" Dad asks me hesitantly.

"When?" I force through my clenched teeth while I tried to steady my breathing so I didn't have another panic attack, I'm over those.

"We don't know when for certain yet, but we were thinking possibly next month. The weather will be great and-" Ilene explains but I stop listening.

Next month! So that's it, he's really replacing her. I can't believe he'd do this to her-to me!

I stood up abruptly, letting Sam's hand fall from mine. Without another thought, ignoring their confused looks, I rushed from the room, quickly opening the back door and slamming it shut behind me.

Then, I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, not knowing where I was going, but just letting my feet carry me wherever they felt was the best place to calm down. The scenery soon changed from streets and houses to trees and dirt paths; i'd reached the forrest edge.

I skidded to a halt, stopping just as I reached the edge. Memories of being beaten, chased and tied up flashed into my mind and the continuous screams from the one night that damaged me more than any other, ran on a loop in my mind.

I didn't feel it when my knees gave out.

I didn't feel it when my body came crashing to the floor, my arms flying to my ears to make the screams stop.

I didn't feel it when the rain began to pound against my body like bullets in combat.

I didn't feel it when strong, welcoming arms looped around my body, pulling me into a familiar chest.

I didn't feel it when they lifted me off of the ground and carried me back to my house.

I didn't feel it when I was lowered onto my bed and pulled into the same person's arms.

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