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"So, I'm friends with the gang leader's daughter, huh?" Sam smirks at me, gently nudging my arm.

"Yep and I'm friends with a gang member," I chuckle, nudging him back.

"Guess you are." He decided to walk me to my house so I was, quote on quote, 'safe', after driving me home (I'd gotten a ride to school this morning from my neighbour as she was going to the shop. I usually just walked the fifteen minutes, but she offered, as it was on her way, so I agreed).

After spending an entire day with Sam, I've learned that he's quite funny, oddly possessive, adorable when he's embarrassed and can be kind of... Great. I think we'll be awesome friends, if I can convince my dad to let him stay near me...

"Thank you Sam," I thank him as we walk up the steps of the porch, stopping at my door. While I rummage through my bag for my keys, Sam waits patiently, I thought he would just leave...

"Ah ha!" I cried when I clasped the cool metal between my fingers.

"Found them?" Sam asked, smiling at me.

"No, I just said ah ha because I'm a dodgy pirate," I reply sarcastically, making him chuckle.

I unlock the door and stumble inside, tripping on the doormat, when will you learn to stop doing that? I ask myself.

"Thanks Sam," I thank him again, eyeing him as he glances around, as if checking for something, someone...

"Oh, it's alright. Hey, Lydia?" He asks and I nod.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"You don't have a boyfriend do you?" He asks curiously.

"Nope, why do you ask?" I furrow my eyebrows. Why does he want to know?

"Just making sure that I wouldn't have to beat anyone up," he smirks.

"'Beat anyone up'?!" I shriek.

"Relax sweetheart, it's only if you had one and he hurt you, but you don't so there's no worry..." He mumbled some inaudible words at the end but I ignored it. I released a sigh of relief and plonked down on the sofa, drawing my legs up below me. Sam sits beside me, a little too close...

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks sincerely.

"Nothing, just my dad..." I mumble against my knee that I was resting my head on.

"What about him?" He asks.

"Nothing..." I mutter.

"Lydia, tell me," he pleads, taking my hand in his large warm one. "You're freezing!" He exclaims, wrapping both of his around my small hand.

"Yeah, n-nothing unusual," I laugh nervously, slightly effected by his touch...

"Anyway, what about your dad?" He pushes, a determined look in his eye that worries me.

I sigh, "It's nothing, really. He just...he was on the phone yesterday. I walked into the kitchen to find him and he was curled up against the cupboard, muttering stuff into the phone. Then, when we were sat on the sofa again, he said he had a meeting tonight, it worries me..." I admit.

"What was he saying?" He asks.

"He was muttering things like, "please don't hurt her" and stuff, I don't know who he was talking about though," I inform him. I mean, i obviously know that it could be me, i'm not stupid, it's just that there could be someone else, someone in his gang for instance. 

His face hardens and a cold look fills his eyes. "When is your father getting home?" He grits out through his now-clenched teeth.

"He usually gets back at about six, but sometimes it's later, why?"

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