8-I need to tell her everything...

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I lay beside a sleeping Sam, watching his chest rise and fall while I force my eyes to stay open. If I allowed them to close, she'd come back again, screaming in pain before her soul was ripped from her body.

"What's wrong?" Sam's hushed voice made me jump.

"Nothing, I'm f-fine," I yawn, one of the images flashing before my eyes.

"I repeat, what's wrong? Tell me Lydia, it'll help," he pushes. Sighing, I roll so that my head rests on his chest, listening to his steady heart beat, bu-bump...bu-bump...bu-bump...

"She's back again," I murmur sleepily. "She visits every night now, never leaving me a single nights sleep." I release another yawn and pull my hand up to rub my blackened eyes.

"Who's back?" He yawns upon hearing my own sleepy intake of air.

"M-Mum, she's back in my dreams," I whimper, clutching onto his shirt for dear life. Suddenly, he stiffens, his muscles rippling beneath my head.

"A-are you okay?" He gets out through clenched out.

"I guess. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, she just... Never mind."

"Tell me, please?"

"It's nothing Lydia."

"So you force me to tell you what's bothering me, yet when it comes to you, you bottle it up and cower away from me? What's the point of even talking to you if your just going to push me away?!" I exclaim, pushing him away from me and running to the living room. I dashed through the door, making it outside our little apartment   thing before Sam was even up from the bed.

"Lydia? Lydia, I'm sorry, please come out," I hear Sam pleading. Shaking my head, I wipe away the tears that threatened to spill before glancing around me. No one was in the dark hall, making it seem deserted due to the lack of people and flickering lights. A slight buzzing sound came from the bulbs, shattering the eery silence.

I peered one way then the other before deciding to try right. Light footsteps seemed to come from the left so the right was deemed the correct direction. Taking caution, I hurriedly (yet quietly) made my way down the corridor, following the winding paths to a large metal door.

My fingers automatically curled around the cool metal handle, drinking in the opposition it brought to my smouldering hands. I pressed down while pushing, opening the door with a muted squeal.

Cold fingers nipped at my skin as the wind forced itself through the crack I'd created in the door. I pulled my pajama-top down so it covered all of my belly before wrapping my arms around myself to preserve the little warmth I still held.

Courageously, I began to take small steps outside, allowing the cold fingers to curl around me, locking me in their chilling  grip while I moved. I moved for about ten minutes before glancing back from where I'd just come. A large, abandoned warehouse type of thing stood tall, all sources of energy seemingly gone, but I knew better. This building held bad things, bad people, people that I needed to get away from.

So with those thoughts imprinted on the inside of my skull, I turned around and continued on into the dark night, following a random pattern through a small Forrest until I came to a dirt road and began to trace that.

*Sam's POV*

"Lydia? This isn't funny anymore! Lydia! Come out!" I called, the tiny amount of hope draining away when she still didn't reply. I know that she has a point: I made her answer my questions, but whenever she asked me something, I'd cower back into my shell to hide. But that was only because of my secrets. They are called secrets for a reason, they are meant to stay that way, only known by those who should know in the first place.

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