19-the wedding... Whole-heartedly in love

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*Sam's POV*
I realised that in all my years of existence, i'd never witnessed true love. Not the kind where in you're constantly telling each other that you love them while the guy groped the girl's boob-like Isaac and what's her face from the fault in our starts. No, the kind where your truly and painfully in love.

It gets to the point that you are truly your best self and it's because of them that you are. You don't want to leave them in case you're not there to save them if they're in trouble. It becomes a dying need to protect them and be with them.

Now honestly, I've never had the time to rightfully commit to someone whole heartedly. With the gang taking up so much of my time, I've never been able to have what one might call 'the full teen experience' or whatever.

But I don't care about that though. It's not a big thing that I haven't had it all because if my life consisted of those events, I can't assure that I would have met Lydia. And if I hadn't met her, my life wouldn't be complete; I wouldn't be happy.

I could barely bring myself to leave her this morning when I had to go talk to dad for Rob. He'd been ignoring all talk about the wedding and hadn't spoken to either Rob or me about it.

It turns out that when I got there Dad didn't want to see me. I hadn't been to see him in quite a while due to staying with Lydia and getting kidnapped and that type of stuff. I guess my dad just decided that as I hadn't been to him in quite a while, I didn't care for him anymore.

So dad didn't answer me, just told me to go away. In the end, I just left, heaving a sigh and went to Rob's to get ready.

Lydia had left with Ilene to go to Ilene's parents' house and get ready and to say that I missed her was an understatement. I'd spent the past few months practically glued to her side and the little separation we had was excruciating.

I sat down on Lydia's bed, contemplating calling her just so I could hear her voice, but there's another, annoying voice in my head telling me not to because she's probably busy with the girls. The phone seemed to be calling me (no pun intended) and just as I was about to give into temptation, it began to ring.

I jumped, quickly grabbing the mobile and answering without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Sam," her calming voice flooded my ears and the knot that had built in my stomach due to our separation suddenly eased a little.

"Oh hey beautiful, what's wrong?" I ask, worry dribbling into my stomach because of her tone of voice.

"Nothing, it's fine, don't worry about it," she brushes me aside.

"Babe, I'm your boyfriend; it's my duty to worry about these kind of things so why don't you just tell me so I can make it all better?"

I hear her giggle before she replies, "I left your present at home. It's still on the dresser where you put it. I was going to bring it with me and open it here once i had done everything else, make it even more special when I open it."

"That's the only thing wrong?" I ask, obviously shocking her. Trying to make little noise, I get up from the bed and go to her dresser, picking up her present and pocketing it.

"Yeah- well, I also miss you like crazy but that's a usual when I'm not around you," she sighed.

"Umhm, I'm just too great to not miss. I miss you too. Listen, I love you baby, don't fret to much over the present, you can always open it later when I'm there. I have to go help get everyone else ready. I'll see you in an hour, love you."

"Love you too," she says before I hang up.

A giddy smile on my face, I pocket my phone and rush downstairs. "I'll be back in about an hour and a half Rob, I've got to go give Lydia something!" I shout to Rob.

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