12-'overreactions' intimate moments and acceptance.

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"What?!" I yelled, my own ears hurting due to the intensity of my voice.

"Lydia, it's okay. She's a f-" dad began but I cut him off.

"I get kidnapped for weeks by a guy and when I finally escape and get back home, I find you fraternising with that guy's sister?!" I seemed to be lost in my own thoughts, no one else here except dad and I. "How could you?" I whispered, water beginning to pool in my eyes but I held it back, refusing to cry.


"No dad! I got kidnapped because of your stupid rivalries. I was there for weeks and yet the only communication I had with you was that one time over the phone, and you weren't even calling me! I spent days trying to find my way back here with Sam," I quickly glanced over at him, remembering Sam's presence, before continuing. "I don't know why I even came back, you obviously don't care about me as much as you do her," I spat, sending Ilene a glare.

"Lydia! How could you say that?! I'm your father, I spent enough time looking for you as any dad would. Ilene has only been here for a week and-" I cut dad off again.

"A week?! What is she still doing here then?!" I could no longer control my tongue. "Dad, Fred kept us at his hide out; a measly old building from the outside but at least the inside was somewhat tolerable. Sam managed to keep me company for all of those days that we spent stuck in the same old, boring room. Yet the only thing I could really hope for was that you would be out there, trying your hardest to find me because you truly love me. Yet, now it seems that you were only trying a little bit, you obviously don't love me as much as I originally thought..." I trailed off, a treacherous tear escaping my weakened eye.

As my tears began to spill, my legs gave out from underneath me and a strong pair of arms wrapped around me before I could hit the ground, holding me up. A small part of me wishes it were my dad, showing just a little bit of care. But I felt my heart deflate a little when I saw Sam's deep brown eyes staring down at me in concern.

"Go to your room, I'll talk to you once you've calmed down," dad's voice came from my left as I stared up at Sam through watery eyes, it sounded like a sigh mixed with anger- an angry sigh.

Somehow, Sam managed to lug my numbed body up to my room, carrying me bridal style while I cried into his shirt. Now, I know it might sound like I'm overreacting, but you've got to look at this from my position; my reaction was justified if you ask me...

So now, here I lay, on my bed with my head upon Sam's chest, my face decorated with the drying trails from my tears.

"Sam," I whimpered, my voice hoarse from crying.

"What's up baby?" He replied, his tone soft, comforting. I ignored the feeling of my heart fluttering at his name for me.

"What if it doesn't get better?" I asked him.

"What if what doesn't get better?" He repeated.

"Life. What happens if dad replaces me with Ilene? What happens if another one of dad's enemies comes and takes me away? What happens if I start to lose those people in my life that mean the most? What happens if I lose you?"

"Lydia," he sighed, lifting me up so that I sat in his lap, looking straight into his eyes through my blurred ones. "You're not going to lose me. I'm not easy to get rid of once you've got me," he winked, swiping his thumb under my eye as a tear escaped. "Your dad wouldn't ever replace you with Ilene, you're his daughter; he loves you. If it gets to the point that you can't stand to be around her, you can come live with me for a bit; dad won't mind, he loves you already." I don't know what it was, maybe his reassuring words or the way his eyes held only love, honesty and adoration, or maybe it was just the heat of the moment, but I found myself leaning forwards and crashing my lips to his, moving them with a certain aura of urgency.

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