15-collateral damage

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*2 weeks later-Lydia's POV*

"When will he be out?" I ask the doctor politely. He has already explained the entire incident to me; the bullet went through his skull, yes. He became unconscious, yes. The bullet pierced his brain so he's dead, no.

Luckily, when he was younger, he had a metal plate put into his head as he'd busted his skull open. This meant that the bullet was blocked and stopped by the metal plate. He still had to have an operation to replace the plate and then to cover the wound so he didn't have a bullet hole in his head, but he's okay.

"He should be alright to be released by Tuesday (it being Friday today btw) but we'll need to keep him for three or four days to make sure the wound isn't infected. After he's released, he should have lots of bed rest, after all, his ribs need to heal too," Dr Wilson explained.

I sighed in relief, he's okay!

The doctor walked away and I returned to the visitor's waiting area to meet Ilene and tell her the news. As soon as I sat down in the chair beside her, she leant forwards, looking at me expectedly.

"He'll be alright," she sighed as I continued. "The Doctor said he should be out Tuesday but he'll need bed rest."

"That should be doable. We'll just have to keep Chris away from him so his ribs can heal properly," she laughed half-heartedly. I couldn't blame her, the man she loved was in hospital; she's been worried sick ever since she found out!

"You should go and see him. Sam should be here in just a few minutes to pick me up so I'll be gone. As I left, dad was just awakening so he should be bright eyed and bushy tailed now," I chuckle.

She nods, standing up and rubbing her eyes. "Thank you Lydia," she says before going through the double doors to find dad.

I sat for about five minutes until I felt and arm wrap around me from behind and a very familiar scent filled my nostrils. "Hey beautiful," Sam whispered in my ear, planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

I stood up and walked around the chairs to meet Sam before looping my arms around his neck and pecking his lips. "Hey good lookin'," I murmur against his skin.

"Come on, let's go home and then we'll continue this," he winks and I feel my cheeks heat up so I hide my face in his chest. When I feel it's clear, I pull me head away, entangle my hand in his and drag him to his car so we could go home-I really wanted to sleep and Sam is defiantly a good pillow *smirks*.

*Ilene's POV*
After leaving Lydia, I made my way to room 217, Rob's room. I knew that I wanted Rob to give up the gang and the only way I could think of that would actually make him do it, was to say I couldn't have Chris in a harmful environment. I know it's selfish, but I just can't live with myself if he gets hurt, it's hurt me so much just from finding out he's got some broken ribs and a bullet wound in his face.

My knuckles gently tap at the door and I wait for a faint 'come in' before entering. Rob is propped up on the bed, a bandage covering his forehead with the blanket pulled up to his waist. I hesitantly make my way over to the chair beside him, smiling weakly at him as I go.

"Hello honey, I need to tell you something," he beats me to it, quick on the mark as always. I nod, gesturing him to speak. "Could you pass me my jacket first please?"

I reach behind me and pull his brown jacket from the pile of clothes on the table. Quickly, I hand it to him and he thanks me before beginning.

"Ilene, I'm so sorry for causing you all the pain I have in my lifetime. The first time we fell in love, I lied to you so you would follow your dreams and go to the most prestigious university. I left you heart broken and I'm so sorry for that.

Then, when I get you back, I somehow end up shot and I'm sure that made you worry at least a little bit. I'm just really sorry Ilene, please understand that I've never intentionally meant to hurt you without good reason at least," he begs. I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"It's forgiven and forgotten Rob, don't worry about it," I sniffle just a little.

He clasps my hand tightly and continues, "I love you Ilene, I really do. I love you, I love Chris, I love Lydia, heck, I even love Sam as if he were my own son- although by the way my daughter and him are going, I suspect he will be my son some day soon.

The point I'm trying to make is that my love belongs solemnly to my family members. Sam will be a part of my family in the future, I just know it. And I really hope that after this, you and Chris will join our family too."

He reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a small box. My heart flys from my chest when he opens it to reveal a beautiful golden engagement ring, "Ilene, I love you will all my heart. Will you please become a part of my family and do me the honour of marrying me?"

Tears spring from my eyes and I find that no words will fall from my mouth because my throat is too tight. So instead of croaking a response that I'm about 99% sure would be silent, I frantically nod my head.

"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you Rob," I somehow form words as I slide onto the hospital bed beside him. He captures my lips in a passionate kiss and when he pulls back, he slips the ring onto my finger.

We lay in utter bliss and happiness for what seems like hours but is really only moments before the reason I truly wanted to speak to him pops back into my mind.

"Rob, I need to ask you something too..." I murmur quietly.

"Shoot," he pauses when I send him a flat look, the pun not funny due to the pain it caused me. "Sorry, too soon?"

"Yes, defiantly. I-I want you to...to leave the gang..." I trail off.

He's silent for a moment before releasing a sigh. "I guess it would be smart to hand the gang over to my second in command. After all, it wouldn't really be the best idea to have people after me when I have a full, intact family. Look what happened last time..."

I grimace at the memory. Rob's first wife had been killed by an enemy gang of his and the worst part was that Lydia was there to witness the murder.

I squeeze Rob's hand to let him know it's okay. He smiles down at me, leaning down to peck my lips. "God I love you," he murmurs into the kiss.

I giggle, "I love you too." He pecks my lips once again before laying back, pulling me with him so that he can get some rest. It just so happens that I accidentally fall asleep too, in the arms of my soon-to-be husband.

So there ya go, Rob was the one who got hurt. But he's not dead, in fact, he's perfectly healthy...sort of.

Random pic of Abby at the top.

I know that Lydia hasn't 'lost anyone' yet but remember, she doesn't know about the wedding yet...

A few chapters ago when I said in Lydia's POV that the events would lead to her losing someone she loves, that's based just after she is told about the engagement of Ilene and her dad.

There will be the announcement in the next chapter and then her reaction. Then there will be a few more chapters before the epilogue is written.

Happy with the chapter?

Easter tomorrow! Hope you all get at least some chocolate 😉have a great day.

Vote, comment, follow.

~Ebz x

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