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"Your... You're part of my dad's gang?" I mutter quietly, shocked by the truth.

"Mhmm," he hums, watching me while I stare at my feet with wide eyes.

I can't believe that the new guy is part of my dad's gang. Hell, I didn't even know that people as young as 17 could be in a gang! Then again, he's probably 18 now, I've just got a late birthday (I'm one of the 'babies' of my year).

"How old are you?" I breath, meeting his confused eyes.


"21 questions remember? How old are you?" I remind him.

"Oh, yeah... 18. You?"

"17." I take a deep breath before asking the next question. "H-how long have you been in the gang?"

"7 years now. My dad's a member and when I turned 11, he brought me in too," he explained breezily, as if it were no big deal. "When's your birthday?"

"October 12th," I answer automatically while my brain absorbs the information.

He joined the gang at 11 years old! Just 11! He was still a little boy, he shouldn't have been in a gang! He should have been playing with little wooden trains, not freaking g-

"Hello? Earth to planet Lydia, anyone home?" Sam snapped his fingers in front of my face, pulling me back to the real world.

"Huh?" I ask, confuzzled.

He emits a deep chuckle, his chest vibrating with each laugh. "You thinking about me sweetheart?" He jokes.

"Don't you think you should be more careful?" I question.

"About what?"

"Flirting with your gang leader's daughter, it could get you into some serious trouble," I smirk, power running through my veins as I realised I now have an advantage over him, overtaking my shyness around strangers.

"I wasn't flirting with you!" He protests, gaining a few curious glances from other people in the class.

"One, you totally were! And two, keep it down!" I frown, shushing him.

He mumbles some incoherent words beneath his breath. "Do you really think irritating a gang member is a good idea?" He threatens me, I just smile at his lame attempts.

Laughing, i managed a sentence, "Can't use that threat on me kitten. My dad's your boss, so it's kinda.... Overpowering."

"Don't call me that! I'm supposed to give you those types of names, not the other way around!" He snaps, making me flinch. "Oo... Looks like someone's a little scared of the gang member," he mocks me, breathing gently on my ear as he whispers.

"I-I-I..." I stutter, failing miserably at forming coherent words and stringing them together to make a sentence.

"This could be fun," he smirks smugly, pulling away from my ear.

With him not being so close to me, I'm able to think and that's when something Abby told me earlier dawned on me.

"Wait, you came from New York, how can you be in my dad's gang?" I ask.

"I've been helping out on a... Mission per say, for the past three years and it's just been... Completed so now I came back. Dad said I needed to go to school so I could get an education and run a cover-up business while helping the gang so I agreed that I'd attend school when I was back, so here I am," he gestured to himself, smiling warmly at me. Something prickled my insides when he smiled, probably just a stomach bug... Yeah, it's just a stomach bug...

The Gang leader's Daughter. COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now