11-a lot can happen in a few weeks

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"So, what time is it?" I ask, the sun having set while the moon hung low in the sky.

Sam pulled his dying phone from his pocket, "half past eleven and my phone has just died."

We'd been walking for about a day now and had ended up in another forest-ty area, the trees creating shelter for us. "My legs are tired," I complain, stopping to sit down on a rock.

Sam stopped in front of me, bent down and ran his warm hands up and down the bottom of my legs, stopping at my knee. "Do you wanna stop?"

"As much as I may want to stop walking, we can't; we have to get as much distance between us and Fred as possible, hopefully far enough away that when he finds us gone, he can't find us again. I just want to get home to daddy as quickly as possible," I sigh.

His mouth lifts up a little at the corner, "how about I carry you for a bit?" He suggests cheekily.

"No way! I must weigh like a tonne!" I protested. I knew that I was over-exaggerating , but I didn't want him to have to carry my weight and then have to put me down because I'm too heavy...

"Oh shut up," he chuckled. Before I could react, he swooped down and picked me up, looping his hands under my knees and behind my back. My hands circled around his neck automatically, as if a reflex so not to be dropped.

"SAM!" I shrieked as he spun me around happily. "Put me down!"

"Never!" He laughed and began to walk towards where we thought our houses were.

Knowing that his stubborn ass wouldn't put me down anytime soon, I sighed and laid my head on his chest, listening to his thumping heartbeat. "You're an ass," I stated quietly, my eyelids beginning to droop.

"Yeah, but I'm your ass," he stopped. "Wait, scratch that, it sounded wrong. I might be an ass, but you love me anyway. Yeah, that's better," he muttered the last bit to himself and continued to walk.

I couldn't help the giggle that burst through my lips. Before I could fall asleep, I picked my head up and pecked his cheek, "that I do."

"Knew it," he chirped in a falsetto voice, holding his head high. Another giggle slipped from my lips. "Love you too beautiful," he sang, capturing my lips in his quickly before returning to his walk.

My head fell back onto his chest and I allowed myself to be dragged under while my head repeated one word, over and over. Beautiful...


I was jolted awake by a welcoming and relieved voice calling my name. Sam's arms were still strongly wrapped around me, but the setting had changed from trees to buildings.

"Dad?" I called out, trying to rub the sleep from my eyes with one hand. No, you're just imagining things Lydia, it couldn't be da-

"Lydia! Oh my god, baby girl, I'm so glad you're okay!" My dad's voice flooded my ears as his flustered face came into view. Sam stopped and let me slip from his arms but kept quite close to me.

"Daddy? Dad!" I exclaimed and ran straight into his warm arms that I'd been craving for a long time. His muscles tensed as he hugged me tightly, welcoming me home.

"I've missed you so much Lyd, I'm so sorry that he took you," he whispered as one of his hands ran through my knotted hair.

"It's okay daddy, I had Sam," I whisper back. Upon remembering his presence, I untangled myself from dad and strolled over to Sam, taking his hand and entwining his fingers with mine.

Dad's gaze follows my movement and a slight grimace touched his lips before they tugged upwards. "Daddy, I-"

"I know baby girl, I can see it," he interrupts me.

"What? How can you see it?" I ask.

"It's in your eyes; both of you," he smiles, his eyes slightly glazed over as if he were remembering something.

Sam gently squeezes my hand and I turn my head to see him beaming at me. He tugs on my hand, pulling me into his side and looping his free arm around my waist.

"Just because I see it in you, doesn't mean you can just take her from me. I haven't seen her in weeks, I at least deserve her now," dad pouts, a small smile still tugging at his lips as he watches Sam. "But ," dad says before moving his head to whisper in Sam's ear. It's quiet so I'm able to hear what he says and it brings a smile to my own mouth, "I'm glad that she's with you and not anyone else, I trust you. But if you hurt her, I'll break you." Then he pulls away, beaming at us both.

"I'm glad you're both home and safe now. But there's someone I want you to meet Lyd," he adds kind of sheepishly. I glance over to see Sam looking down at me questioningly, I just shrug my shoulders: I have no idea who he's on about.

"Okay," I agree hesitantly.

He begins to practically skip towards the house, bouncing up the pathway in joy. After sending Sam a look of reassurance and returning a hand squeeze, we followed him up the path and inside the house.

"Now, you might be a little shocked at first, but just let me explain and introduce you before you freak out," dad says, stopping just before the living room door, it was closed; it's never closed.

"Okay," I repeat hesitantly again.

He sends me a hopeful yet worrisome look before inhaling deeply and entering the living room. I hear a female voice say something quietly to daddy while I stand for a moment, composing myself, with Sam.

One deep breath and a hand squeeze  later, I find myself going through the doorway, into the living room I haven't seen in over a month. Dad was sat on the double sofa, beside a pretty woman with long, curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

I approach the opposite sofa slowly, my eyes fixated to the woman. Sam pulled me down beside him and we sat in silence for a few minutes before dad broke it by clearing his throat.

"Lydia, this is Ilene. Ilene, this is my daughter, Lydia. Lydia, Ilene is Fred's sister..." Dad revealed.

The first thought that popped into my mind was not something like: 'what?! How?! Why?! Huh?!' No, my first thought was, 'wow! A lot can happen in a few weeks.'



Yay! It's an update!!

What'd you think?
Did you like the plot twist? Was it a little obvious or out there?
So, Lydia and Sam are back... And so is Ilene...

Please point out any mistakes in the chapter, I'd really appreciate it.

Until next time,
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~Ebz x

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