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*Sam's POV*
I spent the rest of those days alone, practically glued to Lydia's side, seriously, I didn't leave her alone unless she went to the toilet or something.

On the third night, I took Lydia out on a proper date, taking her to a restaurant and buying her flowers, etc. She wore this really sexy red dress that nearly matched her hair colour and that meant my 'Sam Jr.' Decided to pay attention too if ya know what i mean.

Obviously, Lydia noticed (when wouldn't she?) and she seemed a little distracted that night. I found out why when we went home and were going to bed.

She came out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel and allowed me to 'have her'. I was extra gentle and she thanked me for it. We fell asleep in each other's arms, whispering 'I love you' to each other.

It's now the day before Rob and Ilene come back and as much as I would now have to share my Lydia with everyone else, I was kinda happy to have them back - they've become somewhat of a family to me, accepting me as their 'son' per say.

I woke up at about seven o'clock this morning to the sound of retching. The bed beside me was empty and cold so when I sat up and couldn't see Lydia, worry automatically dripped into my stomach.

Silently, I followed the sound of someone throwing up to the bathroom and as soon as I saw her bent over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach into it, I rushed to her side and collected her hair, holding it out of her face. She continued to puke for another ten minutes, me rubbing soothing circles on her back with my free hand and telling her it was okay.

When she finally pulled her head up again, I saw her beautiful face stark white and sickly. Unsurprisingly, I still loved her.

"What's wrong Lydia? Don't you feel well?" I asked softly. She looked down, fiddling with her hands. I lifted her face up gently, "you can tell me."

She paused for a moment before sighing, "promise you won't be mad?"

"Why would I be mad?"

"Just promise me, okay?"

"Okay, I promise I won't get mad."

"I...I think I might be p-pregnant..."

And I froze. My mind buzzed noisily with questions but one main one floated around. When I found my voice, I said, "it's mine right?"

"You're the only one I've slept with, of course it's yours," she laughs.

"Okay. Okay, so we have a baby? Well, might have a baby. Erm," I looked around the small bathroom. "Do you have any pregnancy tests?"

"I don't but my dad might have some in his room from when my mum had me. They might be out of date though," she replied.

"Okay, get cleaned up. I'll go check and if I can't find one, I'll go to the pharmacy down the road," I conclude. After pecking her forehead, I stumbled into Rob's bathroom and began to search the cupboards.

Luckily, I found a whole box full of them - guess Ilene and Rob had been trying for a little while - and they were in date. I took two and rushed back to Lydia's room, just in time to see her walking out of the bathroom.

"I found a box full in your dad's bathroom. I took two so we can be really sure, okay?" I explain, handing her the tests.

"I'll be back in a minute then," she hums, kissing my cheek and going to the bedroom.

I restlessly sit back down on the bed, allowing myself to listen to the thoughts flooding my mind.
What if I'm not a good dad?
How am I supposed to raise a child at eighteen?
How does Lydia feel about this?
Will she be able to cope?
We're having a child!

My thinking session is cut off when Lydia comes back out of the bathroom, the tests in her hands. She comes over to the bed and put the tests on the bed (on top of the toilet roll) looking over at me.

"We have to wait three minutes before they're ready," she points out when I glance at them.

"Okay," I nod.

"If it's positive, will you..."she trails off, fidgeting. Her eyes begin to water and I know she'll start crying.

I pull her into my lap, wrapping my arms around her. "Don't cry princess, it'll be okay. The only way I'll be gone is if your dad kills me when he finds out," I laugh, causing her to giggle.

"You promise?" She sniffles.

"I promise. Besides, I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to, my heart would never allow it," I kiss her forehead. She sends me a toothy smile just as a beep sounds.

She buries her head in my chest, "what does it say?"

Taking a deep breath, I look at them. My breath catches in my throat as I see the two little crosses. "Princess," I whisper.

"Yeah?" She replies though it's muffled due to my chest.

"Your pregnant princess; we're having a baby!" I exclaim happily. She pulls her head out of my chest and after a quick glance at the tests, pulls my head to hers and crashes our lips together.

"I'm pregnant!" She mumbles into the kiss.

"Yeah baby, you are," I laugh. We pull away for air, large grins on both of our faces.

"Hmm...I guess there'll be a new gangleader's child around soon," she hums and we both crack up, God I love her.

okay, so that's the end of the first book.
I know it's kind of a cliff hanger but I like it so it's staying. It sort of prepares you for this next book.

I'm sorry it's short but it's sweet personally.

Thankyou so much for reading.
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Until next time.
~Ebz x

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