10-Wait til its approved...

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*Lydia's POV*
Finally! I've known for quite a while how I felt about Sam, I've just been waiting for him to grow a pair and tell me what I already knew.

Now I'm not gunna lie when I say that I am one hundred percent in love with him. I know that people say: 'oh, you're only 17, you wouldn't know what true love is even if it hit you in the face; it'll never last.' But I know all about that, I know that I'm only young and that I can't tell if this is real, pure love that will last. But I can hope.

I don't know how long we stay in that clearing, just being together, but it must have been a while because the sun was now beginning to set again.

"Sam?" I murmur, my head against his chest.

"Hmm?" He hums.

"What are we gunna do?" I ask, looking up at his face.

"Well... First, we have to get home. Then, you can talk to your dad; I'll give him a few days to cool off so that I don't have to bruise my wonderful, gorgeous face; then we'll make it work. Now I know I haven't asked you yet, but I will. I just want to know how your dad will react first, so that I know what I'm really getting into," he sighs.

"First, you're being there when I tell him, I don't care how much he bruises
your 'wonderful, gorgeous face'. Second, we will make us work, even if my daddy doesn't approve," I smirk, leaning up to peck his lips before clambering to my feet.

When I hold my hand out for him, he takes it and hauls himself to his feet. Without another word (or letting go of my hand), we set off, already knowing our destination.


Leave out all the rest at the top-great song.

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Until next time,
~Ebz x

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