9-Sam's secrets

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*Lydia's POV*
A sick feeling settled in my stomach, entangling with other emotions. I knew this is what I wanted, needed to know, but at the same time, I didn't know if I was ready to hear it all.

Pushing my thoughts aside, I clasped Sam's hand and sent him a 'you don't have to do this if you don't want to' look. In return, he shot me a 'I do and I will tell you now before I chicken out' look before taking a large breath and squeezing my hand. He began to speak as he exhaled...

*Sam's POV*
(for the rest of the chapter🤗)
"Okay, so I'll start with when I was a kid. My dad has been working for your dad about... 30 years I think. Now, when I was just a little boy, I didn't know of my dad's 'job', I'd always presumed he did something that earned us money, never thinking anything else about the matter. He'd disappear for days on end, leaving me in the comfort of my older sister, Bailey but i wouldn't question his absence.

When I was five, Bailey was out of town and dad had to go to a meeting, so he took me with him. Turns out, the meeting was at your house but of course, I didn't know you even existed at this point.

Dad left me in your nursery and I just sat there, playing with a little wooden train that I'd found. A little while after, the door opened and-"

She cut me off, "Oh my god! I met your when you were five! You played with me that day, but I never saw you again..." She trailed off.

"Yeah. Well, that wasn't my fault. My dad took me home after and then a week later, we were shipped off to New York because your dad sent my dad on a very long mission.

I was dragged into the mission when I joined the gang and so we had to continue on in New York until it was complete. We were assigned the task of watching one of your dad's enemies while still continuing the importing business he had going on. He couldn't do it here because it'd be to obvious due to the size and so the cops would have known about it.

Anyway, about a year ago, your dad's enemy, the one we were watching, was killed, meaning his son took over. We were able to form an alliance with his son so your dad has new connections.

Your dad sent some other guys over to finish the importing and exporting job and then we we able to come home," I finished, taking a deep breath.

She studied me for a moment, just inspecting my face. I knew she could see what was hidden behind my eyes, the secrets I have yet to spill, the most terrifying. "I still don't understand why you push me away all the time," she stated, her brow crinkling a little.

I took a deep breath before continuing, "I know, I'm not there yet, just be patient, this is hard for me."


"M-my mother. She died when i was born. I didn't have the chance to know her. The only 'motherly figure' I had was Bailey and she was barely around. Dad wasn't around that much either because of the gang.

That day in the nursery, the day we met, was the first day I met a child my age. Honestly, not to sound cheesy, but you were beautiful, you still are... I didn't want to leave you Lydia, I wanted to come back, have more play dates and grow up together, but I had to go with my dad and be more lonely than I ever had been.

Since I was always alone, I realised that I really couldn't rely on other people if I wanted to get what I wanted in life. Mum was gone, dad was gone, Bailey was gone, they were all gone, I didn't have anyone; never have..." I trailed off, the knot in my chest excruciatingly painful.

A soft hand gripped my own, rubbing circles onto the back of it with their thumb. I followed the hand up until I met her gaze, drowning in emotion. "I'm sorry Sam, I really am. But, you're not alone, you never have been," she whispers.

"I know, but at the same time, I haven't been able to rely on anyone so in some ways, I am alone," I continue before she can object. "The people your dad was talking to on the phone that day, they want to hurt you, to make Rob suffer. But I won't let them hurt you, I'll protect you from them."


"What do you mean 'why?' "

"Why protect me? Why not just let me go?"

"I-" because I love you. But I couldn't say that. "Because you're my friend and I don't want to loose you."

Her shoulders slumped, the sparkle in her eyes dying out. I know that she wants to hear what I so desperately want to say, but I can't, it's practically forbidden. I'd be booted from the gang the moment I said it. "Okay," she whispered in a heartbreakingly defeated voice.

"Why- why do you want me to say it?" I ask, knowing that she knows what I mean.

"Say what?" She asks innocently.

"You know what. Why do you want me to say it?" I repeat.

"I have no idea what you're on about," she lies.

"I can't say it Lydia, if I do, I'll be gone again. Your dad would kill me if he found out. I need the gang Lydia, it's the only thing I have. My dad would disown me, my sister wouldn't be able to continue in school so she'd drop out to find a way to make money for us. I'd lose all that I worked so hard to get. I need to make everything work Lydia, I can't-" I began to babble, worry running through me as I imagined it.

But I was cut off. Not by words, but by something soft covering my mouth. I was silenced by a kiss.

Lydia's beautiful face was less than a millimetre away from mine, her lips pressed gently against my own with a kind of force I couldn't describe. Her body was pressed against mine, her arms hanging around my neck while mine held her waist. We still sat in the opening in the forest, but everything suddenly seemed brighter.

"Shut up you goofball. I'm the gang leader's daughter, you think I can't handle my own dad?" She murmured against my mouth after pulling away a fraction.

A goofy grin broke out onto my face, mirroring her own. "In that case," I started, pulling her so that her legs wrapped around my waist, "I love you Lydia," I proudly announced.

If anything, her grin widened even more, stretching to its limits. "Finally, I've been waiting days to hear that. We've been trapped here for a few weeks, clicked pretty much instantly when we met and yet you waited until now to tell me? You really are a goofball. Now," she said, her face inches from mine again, "I love you too."

And with her love declaration, she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to mine again, finishing this chapter with a kiss.


Hello! I'm so sorry that it's been so long!
I've been a bit busy...
Secrets by one republic at the top.

I'm sorry it's short, but at least it's what we all wanted, no?

Well, I'm sorry to ruin the moment, but it's not all rainbows and sunshine from here on out.

Lydia: what?! I only just got him, now your taking him away from me?

Sam: whatever, we'll get through whatever you throw at us!

Me: oh yeah? Wanna bet?

Lydia: u-uh, n-n-no, I'm fine.

Me: thought so...

Anyways, thanks for reading and... Seya soon.

Vote, comment, follow.

~Ebz x

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