7-Broken scared and fragile

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I wipe the cold sweat from my forehead, breathing deeply as I try to rid the images of my previous nightmare from my head. Once again, she'd appeared in my dreams, haunting me like a ghost that won't give up and making me awaken with a start.

Pressing my hand to my face to swipe away the lingering tears that slipped from my eyes in my panicked state, I brought it up and over my head, smoothing out my untamed hair the best I could. Quickly, I glance around the room, noticing the differences in setting than what I usually wake up to. The main difference though, was the boy asleep next to me.

Wait, hold up there... Boy? Asleep in the bed beside me?! Ahhh! Get him away from m- oh. Never mind.

Sam lay next to me, his soft black hair disheveled and a thin line of drool trickling down the side of his chin. I smiled at how adorable he looked, wishing I could run my fingers through his hair to sort it out again.

"No... Don't take her... I love her..." He pleaded quietly in his sleep. Something tugged at my heart as I listened intently to his words. I didn't know why I felt the aching in my chest, but it settled like a sloth, clinging to my heart, unwilling to move away until it was satisfied with it's time spent there.

"Sam," I whispered, gently shaking his shoulder in order to wake him up. The pain wasn't going anywhere, so I might as well ignore it and move on in my life.

He stirred slightly, grumbling and turning onto his front, moving away from me. Sighing, I almost gave up. That is, until I came up with an idea and I knew there was a mischievous glint to my eyes.

Moving quickly yet quietly, I lifted my leg over his body so that I had one either side (I was basically sitting on his back). I leant forwards, resting my hands on the top of his shoulders, positioning my head next to his ear, before shouting, "WAKEY WAKEY SAMMY BOY!"

Now, my plan was effective, I did wake him up... However, I wasn't anticipating his sudden startle, causing him to roll over, out of the bed with me still clinging to his back, meaning that as he hit the floor, I hit it first and he just landed on top of me, crushing me!!!

"Oomf! W-what was t-that f-?!" Sam yelled but cut himself off when he couldn't see me, unaware of the fact I was beneath him. "Lydia?" He called.

I tried my best to squirm my way out from under him, but his bulky frame made it impossible. Instead, I attempted a scream. It was muffled by his body, but was still audible.

"Lydia?" He asked, peering down at the floor where my body was being squashed. "Lydia!" With that exclamation, he scrambled off of me, his eyes as wide as saucers.

Desperately, I gulped lungfuls of air, wheezing every time I breathed in. "I'm so sorry Lydia; I didn't know you were there, are you okay?" Sam rushed out, standing about five feet away from me, almost as if he didn't want to be near me so he couldn't hurt me again...

"I'm... F-fine," I managed to breathe between breaths. His skin began to regain its colour again, going from the horrifyingly pale white, back to his slightly tanned natural. However, the red that tinged his cheeks and ran over his ears before disappearing down his neck still remained.

"Sorry..." He mumbled again. I waved my hand in the air clumsily, dismissing the matter because truthfully, it was my fault for trying to wake him up.

Eventually, I was able to steady my breathing. "It's-" I began in a hoarse voice, quickly clearing my throat before continuing. "It's my fault, don't worry about it."

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