nightmares / sam

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Imagine you have a nightmare and Sam calms you down.
Your feet pounded against the hard tile as You ran. Your thoughts were clouded when you came face to face with the thing you were running away from.

Yourself. Only it wasn't you. She had a wicked smile and black eyes focused on your face.

"Y/ can't run away from what's inside you. You can't escape me."

"Leave me alone!" You screamed. She disappeared quickly. You continued to run. Suddenly, you were put to a holt when you saw the sight.

Your black-eyed self held a knife to Sam's throat.

"This will be you. You're gonna hurt somebody y/n. Face it." She smirked. And you screamed before she swiped the blade across his throat.

"Y/n!" Your eyes shot open as you heard your name being called. You saw Sammy shaking your shoulders, obviously trying to wake you up.

"Sam." You said breathlessly.

"Another nightmare?" He asked softly.

"I-I'm sorry." You slowly nodded. You've been having the same nightmare for a few months now. Your demon self, tormenting you. Finding anyway to hurt you. It must've gotten old to Sam, he always ended up waking you up. But you didn't know that Sam would stay awake all night just to make sure you didn't have nightmares.

"Don't be sorry baby girl." He pulled you into a tight embrace. "I'm not gonna let anybody hurt you." He cooed softly. "Try to get some sleep. I'll fight off your demons." You slowly laid back down.

"I love you Sam." You whispered before closing your eyes.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this." Sam sighed before kissing your forehead. "I love you Y/N."


hi so this is my new book haha. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I'm gonna try and update as often as possible with this book.

love yous

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