dance party / dean

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Imagine: you and Dean being bored while Sam is researching stuff at the library so you decide to have a dance party.


"Sam! Are you almost done with that bloody research!?" You shouted, making sure Sam heard you in the room two doors over.

"No!" He hollered back. You sighed dramatically, so Dean heard you.

"This is boring." You mumbled. Dean nodded. He put on the radio just as 'Eye of the Tiger' came on.

"This is my jam." Dean said before calmly getting up.

"What are you-" you started but Dean started lip singing and dancing to the song.

During a small 5 second break in the song, Dean yelled, "DANCE PARTY!" You shrugged and blasted the music.

You and Dean began singing the lyrics loudly and danced wildly. Play air guitar and jumping around like 5 year olds. But it was good to forget all of your problems for a little bit.

Until Sam interrupted our little dance party. You saw Sam out of the corner of your eye, but you pretended not to see him. You saw him stomp over to the radio and turn it off, just before the chorus was about to start.

"Dean, Y/N, what do you think you're doing?" He asked, folding his arms.

"Cmon moose! Loosen up a bit!" Dean said, he was about to turn on the radio again but Sam stopped him.

"No time. I got what we needed." And with that he left.

"Buzzkill!" You yelled half serious, half kidding.

"Heard that!" Sam called back, causing you and Dean to laugh.


a cute lil imagine for my cute lil followers.

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