back off / dean

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Imagine: Dean, Sam, and you go to the bar to celebrate a successful hunt, when a guy starts touching you, so Dean protects you. He ends up confessing his love for you.


"We totally smoked that wendigo!" Dean shouted triumphantly. You three were about to walk into a bar. Dean thought you guys did so well, it deserves some celebratory shots. Sam was reluctant at first, but you eventually convinced him that it was well deserved.

Dean decided to take a seat in the middle, Sam on the left, you on the right. You each did a few rounds before you decided it was time to take a quick bathroom break. Just as you were about to enter the bathroom, a guy tapped your shoulder. You turned to see a somewhat tall guy.

You were a bit startled at first, his hazel eyes captivating you. His short black hair fit him perfectly. He was taller than you by a few inches. He smirked.

"Hello pretty lady," his breath reeked of alcohol. "Names Leo."

"Why do I care again?" You asked with sass and all. Suddenly, you were very disinterested in him. Deans green eyes were better anyway.

"Cause you're gonna be screaming it later on." You were about to respond, when suddenly he snaked an arm around your waist.

"You have 5 seconds to let go of me before I let a major can of whoop ass on you."

"Ouch, feisty." Leo smirked and grabbed your butt.

You quickly elbowed him in the ribs. Causing him to hunch over, making him at your height. You grabbed a fistful of his hair.

"I swear to god if-" you were cut off by sharp blow to your jaw. Sending you backwards.

You were about to stalk over and really kick his ass, but you felt someone grab your arm, you looked over to see Sam.

"He really shouldn't of done that." Sam whispered. You shot him a curious look, about to ask questions, only to see that Dean was already in the guy's face.

"Listen here, you're lucky I don't kill you. Don't you ever touch her or any other girl like that again. Back off!" Dean spat.

Leo looked like he was defeated. But as Dean loosened his grip on Leo, he sprung into action. Leo head butted Dean in the face. Causing him to stumble backwards towards Sam and you.

You gasped as Dean tackled Leo. Punching him numerous times, until Sam let go of you and pulled Dean off of him.

"I swear to the heavens, if I ever see you again-" Dean started but Sam had already pulled him out of the bar.

Dean huffed as he went over to you and examined your face.

"That dick." He said, lightly brushing over your already bruised jaw line.

"I think he got the worst of it." You chuckled. You shook off your cardigan and used it to clean up Dean's bloody nose. "You didn't have to do that Dean. I could've easily kicked his ass."

"I know but...but.." Dean didn't know how to explain to you without confessing his love for you.

"Hm?" You waited for a response.

"Listen, Y/N, it made me angry. I knew you could've easily taken him down, but I feel like I have to protect you. No matter what." Dean explained gingerly. "I care about you a lot..I-i think I love you."

You blushed furiously. You have literally dreamed of this moment.

"Shut up and kiss me." You said.

And that's exactly what he did.


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