not again / sam

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Imagine: Sam having a dream that you burn on the ceiling. So you comfort him.


Sam's POV:

I closed my eyes. That was the worst mistake possible.

I was almost asleep, almost.

Until I heard the small dripping noise. As if the sink was leaking or something.

At first, it didn't bother me. After 30 seconds, I made myself get out of bed, but I only got half way there.

As I opened my eyes, i saw her body, hanging on the ceiling. I looked over, blood was dripping onto the wood floor. I screamed. "Y/N!" She whimpered. Then, she burst into flames. I felt the hot air against my face. I screamed more as I tried to get out of bed, but I was stuck. Something was making me watch this horrific scene play out.

"Y/N! No!" I watched helplessly. I watched the light drain out of her eyes until-

"Sam!" My eyes shot open to see a very concerned Y/N. Her beautiful, lively eyes stared deep into my own.

"Y/N! Oh thank god." I wrapped her into a tight hug. After, I held her face and kissed her all over. She only frowned.

"W-what happened? You were screaming." Y/N said as I held her delicate face.

"I-I.." My lips couldn't seem to form the right words to tell her about my dream. Last time I had a dream like this, Jess died..

I started to panic. 'What if this is another sign. What if Y/N is gonna burn tomorrow night!?'

I felt my whole body shake. I couldn't stop. I loved Y/N. I couldn't...I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Sam, please tell me what's's okay." She wrapped her small arms around me.

"I had a dream that you burned on the ceiling." I quickly spat out. I felt tears well up my eyes. Y/N grabbed my face. Her hands were cold.

"It's okay, azazel is dead. Nobody's gonna burn on the ceiling." Y/N tried to reassure me. I was still a little shaky.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N. I just can't let anything happen to you. I can't lose someone I love...again." I whispered the last part.

"You're not gonna lose me. I'm not going anywhere. Now go back to sleep." Y/N kissed my forehead like a baby.

"I'm scared." I admitted shakily.

"You're human. Fear is inevitable. But I'll be right here. I promise." Y/N was so gentle. So caring. I didn't deserve her.

"I love you." I said as I laid back down. She grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"I love you too." And in that moment I believed that everything was truly gonna be okay.


can we take a moment and appreciate the fact I called this 'not again' cause this has happened before ok sorry bye

but I put small arms in here cause all arms are small compared to Sam. (I'm speaking for myself cause I'm 5'6) that's tall in my school idk how but yeah.

mkay ily bye

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