tell me the truth / dean

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Imagine: Dean is cursed by the goddess of truth and you accidentally confess your feelings to him.


Sam and Dean were taking a very long time on this hunt. You were scared.

You and the boys honestly did not know what they were hunting, therefore, Dean made you stay at the motel.

After endless hours of arguing, eventually you stood with no argument. Dean also made you do some research on what they could be dealing with.

You always thought Dean was being a protective older brother. You always wanted something else. You've always wanted him to see you in a different, better way.

Little did you know, Dean shared mutual feelings. Each had strong feelings for each other, but both of you thought you weren't good enough, when the reality was, Sam could see the obvious heart eyes.

Dean was always so protective because he couldn't live with himself if something bad were to happen to you. Dean thought this hunt was just too much.

Unfortunately, Dean was right. Turns out, Sam and Dean were hunting the goddess of truth. And to make things better, Dean was cursed by her. Causing everyone to tell Dean everything about themselves when spoken to by Dean.

You continued to pace as it has been 16 hours since Dean has called. (But who's counting?) Dean promised to call at least every 8 hours. You decided to dial Dean up to make sure he and Sam were okay.

3 rings later, a gruff 'hello' traveled through the phone.

"Dean! God you scared me!" You yelled relieved. But you had an off feeling...something you couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I got a little caught up. But we know what we're hunting." Dean paused but you didn't reply so he continued. "We're hunting the goddess of truth."

"I really like your hair. And your voice. It's so deep and reassuring." You blurted. "Why am I telling you this?"

"It's the truth." Dean said.

"I hate that you make me stay back on dangerous hunts. I feel like your younger sister. But I wanna be the girlfriend. I want you to say 'I love you' because I think I love you. But you've only ever seen me as a sister and it drives me crazy." You blabbed on and on. About embarrassing secrets about Dean. Even some that don't pertain to him. Dean just listened. "WHY AM I TELLING YOU ALL OF THIS?" You yelled.

"I'll call you later and explain everything...I promise." You felt your heart sink. You just spilled everything to the man you possibly loved, and that was his reply? "And hey." He gained your attention again. "I love you too."

And with that, he hung up.


hi yes mkay so I feel like it's been a while since I wrote but it's been like 2 days.

thank you so much for nearly 200 reads omfg my writing is trash I don't deserve this pls.

I love you guys so much.

make sure to leave a comment and a vote if you enjoyed this.

sorry for any errors, too lazy to go back and look for them.

k ilyyyy bye

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