ill / sam

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Imagine: Sam being sick, so you stay home and take care of your beloved boyfriend.


You were watching tv as you heard Sam groan in pain. You instantly shot up, grabbing your shotgun. You burst through the door to a very surprised Sam.

"Woah!" Sam started having a coughing fit. You set the gun down before chuckling.

"You sick?" You asked him. He gently nodded.

"I think so." You walked over and felt his forehead.

"Holy shit, Sam you're burning up. Wait here." You jogged out of the room to get a cold washcloth, a couple aspirins, and a glass of water.

When you returned you saw Sam asleep, again. You giggled before setting the glass and medicine down on the nightstand next to the bed. You folded the washcloth in half and placed it carefully on Sam's forehead.

You kissed his cheek before exiting.

"Babe." Sam said in a raspy voice.

"I'll make you some soup." You said. He only nodded.

About 10 minutes later, you returned with a bowl of chicken soup.

"Here you go, honey." You helped him sit up and handed him the soup. "Be careful." You leaned it to kiss him, but he pulled away.

"I don't want you to get sick." Sam explained when you shot him puppy eyes.

"I don't care." You shrugged and gave him a wet sloppy kiss.

"You're the best. I love you." Sam said before you walked out.

"I love you too, let me know if you need anything else."

"Wait!" You paused in the door way. "Stay with me?"

"Of course." You smiled. Sam scooted over and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. His arm was so long, he was able to eat his soup perfectly fine.

"Dork." You chuckled.

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