i'm sorry / castiel

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Imagine: Castiel has to reach in to get information, afterwards, he feels terrible for causing you pain.


"Im scared." You whispered to yourself. Your brothers, Sam and Dean had you tied to a chair. You had gone crazy earlier, they thought you were possessed. Poured holy water on you, threw salt at you. Even whispered Christo to you a few times, but nothing was inside of you. You and your brothers wanted answers so they called in a close friend. He was an angel.


But even if he had no wings, you'd personally think he'd be an angel. You've liked him since your brothers introduced him to you, shortly after Sam and Dean met Cas.

You were snapped back into reality as you heard the familiar flap of the wings, indicating Castiel was here.

"Hello. Why do you have Y/N tied up?" Cas asked, raising and eyebrow.

"She went nuts, Cas we're scared. She said she couldn't remember anything afterwards, but we tried everything, it's not a demon, or a monster or anything." Dean rubbed his neck.

"Dean, I'll be okay." You reassured Dean. "Cas, please help me." You basically whimpered.

"Sam. Dean." Cas said with a stern voice, "you might not want to see what I am going to have to do." Sam was about to ask, but Castiel quickly added, "I am gonna have to reach in and see what I can find."

"You mean, the whole 'this is going to be excruciating'?" Dean asked.


"Hell no. You're not doing that to Y/N! She-"

"Do it." You said. You wanted answers too. Sam and Dean shot you an apologetic look.

"You don't have to-" Sam started, but you quickly cut him off.

"But I want to! I want to know what's wrong with me! I don't want to be a freak anymore!" You shouted. Sam and Dean hesitated, before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"Y/N, I wish there was another way." Cas said. He rolled up his sleeve before glanced at you, making sure you were 100% okay with this. You nodded.

For a second, nothing happened. But it felt like an elephant stepped on you. A wave of nausea swept over you, then the immense pain set in. It felt like a thousand guns were being shot at you. You heard yourself scream extremely loud. It felt like someone took an angel blade, stabbed you, and twisted it in your gut.

Your eyes welled with tears as your scream bounced off the walls.

Finally, the weight seemed to lighten, and the pain seemed to float away. Not entirely, of course, it still felt like you were punched fifty times, but nonetheless, it felt incredibly better.

You caught your breath in your throat as Castiel made eye contact with you.

"Y/N. I'm sorry." He whispered. Castiel slowly untied you.

"W-what's wrong with me?" You asked breathlessly.

"Come." Castiel gently hoisted you into his arms, bridal style, and set you on the bed, only twenty feet away. "I will explain everything tomorrow. But now, you rest. I am sorry I caused you so much pain today."

You would've said more, but darkness consumed you as you fell into a deep sleep.


*sneakily finds a way not to explain what happened cause idk either*

this was honestly shit but it's really late I'm sorryyyyyy

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