i've got you / sam

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Imagine: Sam saves you from demons.



Your eyes slowly peeled open. Your wrists burn as you realized you were tied to a chair. You tried to scream, only to be cut off by a gag. Everything came crashing down on you as you tried to fight the restraints.

It was your stupid idea to try and take on the demon case by yourself. You wanted to prove to Sam that you're capable, because he was always trying to protect you.

But, the boys, and you, thought it'd only be 1 demon instead of 3.

You killed one, but as you were about to leave, a fist connected with your jaw, knocking you out.

Your wrists burned from the ropes as you continued to struggle.

"Looks who's awake." You looked up to see a thin woman with dark hair. Her eyes all black. Then, a taller, curvier blonde woman stepped beside her, her eyes pitch black as well.

They gave eachother a glance and chuckled.

"What's wrong? You know your boyfriend isn't going to save you, right? He doesn't care about you." The blonde said stepping toward you, revealing she had a knife.

You wanted to scream. Explain that he wasn't your boyfriend. But that didn't matter right now, cause you knew what was gonna happen next.

"Oh, what a pretty meat suit," the dark haired girl said. "We are under orders not to kill you, after all you are the bait." She got in your face and gripped your hair. "But no one said anything about torturing." The girls circled you.

"Bitch." She sliced your cheek. The blonde ripped the gag out of your mouth.

"Scream, I want to hear you scream in agony." The blonde chuckled.

"Screw you." You muttered.

The brunette grabbed a small pocket knife and stuck it into your left thigh.

You bit your tongue as you whimpered. You would not scream.

"A tough one, eh?" The blonde said. She made a deep gash right where your heart was. You let tears roll down your cheeks.

"I really want to kill you, you know that?" The blonde was about to make another cut, until the door burst open. Your vision blurred before seeing Sam.

"Let her go you son of a bitch." He held the angel blade high, ready to attack.

The blonde scoffed as she put a knife to your neck. You gulped.

"Or how about I just slice her open?" She laughed.

The brunette walked to Sam. "Oh Sam, don't you know not to hunt alone, I mean look what happened to your beloved-"

"Bitch, please." Sam said before driving the blade into the girl, at the same time, you felt the blade on your neck fall to the floor. You were curious on what happened, but too tired to care. Your eyes slowly dropped as Sam rushed to you. 

"Hey, Y/N, stay awake! You hear me?" You noticed Dean was cutting the ropes on your ankles while Sam cut the ones by your wrists.

"S-Sam." You whispered. "I got you." Sam said before grabbing you bridal style. That was the last thing you felt before all went dark.


Immense pain shot up your whole body, but it was the worst on your chest. You heard someone pacing while A familiar voice tried to calm him down.

"Sam! Calm down! She'll be okay!" Dean yelled. You left your eyes closed, deciding to eavesdrop.

"Would you stop saying that!? I'm freaking out! I might not be able to tell her how I feel Dean!" Sam shouted back.

"Get a grip! She's going to be okay!" Dean yelled.

You only heard a sigh. You decided to peel your eyes open. Sam was already rushing over to your side.

"Oh my god Y/N!" He hugged you gently.

"W-what the hell happened?" You groaned.

"Demons, they nearly killed you." Dean said. "Thank god you're okay. Sam was losing his shit." He teased. You chuckled slightly.

"You scared the shit out of me." Sam pulled away and held your hand.

"Well, I'm...a gonna go get some ice!" Dean said, leaving you and Sam alone.

"How do you feel about me?" You asked.

"W-what?" Sam suddenly looked nervous.

"I heard what you and Dean were talking about, only for a minute." You admitted. Sam only sighed and took both your hands in his.

"I don't expect you to think the same, but I like you, like a lot. And I'm only so protective over you, because if something happened to you-" he choked up. "And with this happening, I've been kicking myself since you've been out. It was eating me alive, knowing it was my fault."

"No Sam, this isn't your fault. If I would've just trusted you and-" you started.

"I love you." Sam blurted. "I-I'm sorry." Horror washed over his face. "I've been waiting to say that for like 2 years. I couldn't hold it any longer."

"I love you too." You leaned forward and kissed his cheek. "Bitch."

Sam only smiled and replied, "jerk."

"That's our thing!" You heard Dean yell behind the door.

"Are you eavesdropping?" You asked laughing.

"Whaaattt?" Dean scoffed. Causing you and Sam to laugh.

"Hey, Sam, how did you do that thing? When you stabbed the girl, the other one was ganked as well.

"Dean snuck around and we stabbed them at the same time." Sam said.

"Brother goals!" You screeched.


omg lol. make sure to comment and leave a vote if you enjoyed,

love yous

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