sold / dean

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Imagine: you sell your soul to bring back Dean.


3 long days.

3 days of crying your eyes out in the serenity of your room. 3 days of screaming into your pillow, thinking why it was Dean and not you.

Sam had it just as bad. It was hard for him to do anything and you could tell. But you were so devastated, you hardly cared for yourself.

The truth was, with Dean dead, you and Sam were both having a rough time.

But today, it hit you hard. Harder than the other days. Today you realized, he's never coming back. Ever.

Sam left a note on the bed of the motel, saying he walked to the bar a few blocks down.

You sighed, 'that's the fourth time this week'

You didn't even think. You grabbed the keys that once belonged to Dean and headed to the door.

You paused as you questioned yourself. You shook your head, your decision was final.

The engine roared as you started the impala.

You drove for a few miles, looking for one thing and one thing only.

A crossroad.

Eventually you found one, an abandoned gas station just to the left.

You pulled over, opened the trunk and rummaged for the stuff that you'd need.

You put it all in a small wooden box.

You sighed as you walked to the middle of the road, digging a hole big enough for the box to fit.

Once buried, you stood. Thinking if Dean would approve. You didn't care. You needed him.

"Hello." A deep voice said from behind you.

You quickly spun around to see a young man with red eyes and narrow features.

"I need Dean Winchester back." You said quickly.

"Ah. You're Y/N  Y/L/N. The star crossed lover of Dean Winchester, yes?" The demon said.

You wanted to cry, just thinking about that.

"Please," you pleaded.

"What makes you think hell owns him?" He scoffed.

"All hunters go to hell." You mumbled. He nodded.

"Good point. Good point." He paused. "How about this, since I am such a kind demon, I'll give you 3 years, in exchange for Dean."

You didn't even hesitate.



short and sweet lol

any advice for toxic friendships?? I'm having a bit of trouble ):

Sorry I haven't updated in 393638383 years, my depression kinda hit me hard this week. But I'm trying!!

ok love you my beautiful bbys! always keep fighting!!


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