lost in thought / sam

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Imagine: your past keeps haunting you, and Sam notices your head in the clouds.

*small season 7 spoiler*


As a hunter, you've seen some pretty gruesome deaths. But nothing will ever compare to when you were just 10 years old.

"Y/N! run! Don't look back!" Your older brother, Cody, yelled.

These people were in your house. But you knew they weren't human. They had black eyes, and had a weird odor.

You screeched as you ran down the hall towards the door. As you opened the door you turned to see the thing slit your mothers throat. When her body fell, you saw your dads, and your brothers bodies.

You cried as you ran down the street for blocks. Never stopping.

"Y/N!" You focused on the figure in front of you. It was Sam. You instantly swiped your cheeks because you knew were crying. "What's wrong? The same thing has been happening for months now. Please tell me." You had never told anyone, except your uncle Bobby. But now you had no one to talk to because he was dead.

He tried to keep the hunting business away from you, but when you saw the demons, he had to explain to you everything. You grew up becoming a hunter. All you ever wanted was to kill the demons who killed your family.

But lately, you've been thinking about your family's deaths often. And you didn't know why. Your head was in the clouds.

"Nothing Sam. I'm okay." You lied through your teeth. But unfortunately, Sam knew better.

"It's okay not to be okay." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around you. That broke you. You sobbed hysterically in his chest. You mumbled things about your family and bobby and demons, that didn't make sense to him, but he still listened and waited for you to calm down a bit before asking to explain.

After about 5 minutes of you completely breaking down, you pulled away. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were puffy.

Sam lightly cupped your cheeks. "It's okay Y/N." He said nodding.

You told him everything. How you watch your mom get murdered by demons. And your uncle bringing you in like a daughter. Bobby raised you. Loved you. Now you felt like you had no one.

"Y/N. Its okay to be sad. Things like that leave permanent scars. You can't keep everything inside of you like that. Please. Talk to me whenever you're sad." Sam furrowed his eyebrows, while bringing you into a hug.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just a mess." You said pulling away and wiping your tears.

"If you're a mess, I'm a bigger one." He flashed his dimpled smile, causing you to smile as well.

Because let's be honest, Sam Winchester's smile makes everyone smile.


the last sentence is true though. make sure to leave a comment and/or vote if you enjoyed it (:

also, requests are open. I know I don't have many readers but yeah :3

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