close call / castiel

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Imagine: you almost die on a hunt, but Cas saves you.


"Stop!" You screeched. The black eyed man was so close to hurting Sam. You wouldn't allow it. After all, this predicament, was your fault.

"What did you say?" He turned around and faced you with a menacing grin.

"Please don't hurt them, hurt me if you must." You noticed Sam and Dean give you pleading eyes while they struggled against their restraints.

"This is gonna be fun." He smiled wickedly before ordering some other demons to take Sam and Dean away.

Their screams and threats to the demons sent chills down your spine.

"Y/N, no!" Sam screamed before the large door shut. Leaving their protests in the dark.

The demon pulled out a dagger, about the length of your head.

"I cannot wait to get out and kill you." You cocked your head.

The man smiled evilly. "Sorry babe, I'll be the one doing the killing. He circled, trying to decide where to cut you first. You gulped, and braced yourself.

But you weren't ready for him to take the knife and stick it in your thigh.

You screamed in agony. You squirmed relentlessly, your wrists burning from pulling at the ropes that held you.

The demon got really close to your face. He was inches away. You could smell his nasty breath.

He gripped the dagger and, very slowly, pulled it out.

You thrashed and screamed. But his smile only grew. After the blade was out, you spit in his face.

That certainly wiped the smug look off of his face. But it was replaced with a very angry face.

He quickly swiped the blade across your face, centimeters from your eye. It left a long hash from the bottom of your eyebrow to your nose. You felt warm blood drip down slowly. You moaned in pain.

The demon then proceeded to use you as his personal punching bag. Meaning he put his knife down, but raised his fists.

He punched you in the ribs, forcing the air from your lungs. The man punched you in the eye. Causing you to yelp.

He kicked you twice in your shin, which would've hurt if your thigh wasn't on fire.

The demon took a deep breath before picking up the blade again.

He turned around, facing the door Sam and Dean exited. Oh how you missed them.

Then, he quickly spun around and sidestepped as he slashed your abdomen. It was deeper than the cut on your face. All you could do was grunt. All your energy was gone.

You felt blood seep through your clothes. A small dripping pattern formed as your blood hit the cement floor. The demon punched you in the face again, causing stars to form.

You made a silent prayer.

'Castiel, save me.'

The demon was about to attack again, when a loud thump was heard outside the door. He froze. He slowly creeped his way to the door.

You wanted to just die. Everything hurt so bad...

You heard the door open briskly, a scream of agony, then pure white. You couldn't let your slumped head to look up. You were dizzy and sick and dying.

"Y/N?" You groaned at the familiar gruff voice.


"Oh Y/N, what did they do to you?" His hurried footsteps came closer to you. You wanted to hug him. Thank him. But all you could do was bleed out.

"I've got you," he picked your chin up and placed two fingers on your forehead.

Instantly, everything was fixed.

It was as if everything in your body was jumbled up, but Cas's power seem to take all the broken pieces and make them join together.

You must have passed out, because when you woke up, you were no longer tied to a pole in a wet basement. But in the impala, your head rested upon Cas's lap.

"I'm so sorry." You mumbled, before falling into a deep sleep once again.





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