you make me sick / sam & dean

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Imagine: you go on a date at a bar, but you get drugged. Only to find that Sam and Dean were following you, to make sure you were okay.


"Listen, I'll only need the car for 2 hours!" You yelled at Dean.

"No way!" Deans voice was so loud it carried through out the bunker.

A moose emerged from the hall. "What are you guys arguing about this time?" Sam asked. You and Dean always bashed heads, and Sammy was always there to help.

"I just want to borrow the car for a few hours!" You yelled, not taking your eyes off of Dean.

"You said 2 hours!"

"Does that mean I get the car?"


"Alright, enough!" Sam yelled. "Y/N, why do you need the car?"

"I.." You trailed off. Sam and Dean were like your older brothers. If you told them you had a date with a guy you met online, they'd kill him. "I told my old friend from high school I would get drinks with her." You lied through your teeth.

"Dean, why won't you let her take the car for a few hours?" Sam asked.

"That's my baby." Dean pouted. "Plus, Y/N could be lying to us."

"I'm right here." You said.

"Dean, why would she lie?" Sam asked.

"I..." Dean groaned. "Oh alright!" You let out a happy whimper. "But," Dean continued. You sighed. There was always a 'but'. "I want you and baby home at 12 a.m." You felt bad for lying, but what's the worst that could happen?

"Thank you!" All of your anger towards Dean seemed to flush out of your body. You engulfed him in a giant hug. Then, you jumped on Sammy's back, demanding a piggyback ride. He laughed as he walked through the bunker with you attached to him.

You checked the time, jumped off of the moose, and ran to go get ready.

You had to look casual, in order to fool the Winchesters. Yes, you felt bad, but it was really the only way.

You quickly slipped on a pair of jeans with slits in the knees, an all white t-shirt and a light blue cardigan. Along with some white converse.

You applied some mascara, a little blush and darkened your eye brows to match Y/H/C a bit better.

At about 7, you grabbed the keys off of the table and headed out. Excited for your first official date since becoming a hunter.

It took roughly 10 minutes to get to the bar. Many cars filled the lot. You somehow squeezed the 67' impala in a spot. You checked your makeup and smoothed your hair before hopping out and heading to your date.


"I don't trust her." Dean told Sam as he looked for a case to work.

"What do you mean?"

"Who has friends, in the middle of no where, ready to just hang out?" Dean scoffed.

"I dunno." Sam's voice sounded suspicious.

"We should check on her." Dean suggested.

"Which bar would she go to?" Sam said, suddenly on board with this idea.

"The only one within a 10 mile radius. The Polar Pub about 8 minutes from here."

"Oh yeah, the one by that witch case a few months ago right?" Sam asked.

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