bad idea / castiel

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Imagine: you taking Cas to a bar.


"I am happy I have you." Castiel said smiling slightly. You and Castiel have been dating for a few months now. Nothing serious, but it was obvious you two were in love. Even the boys could see it.

"As to you." You grinned largely.

"I want to take a walk. Go somewhere." Cas said unexpectedly.

"O-okay." You were a little taken aback. "Where do you wanna go?"

"It has been years since I was at a bar.." Cas hinted at you.

"Oh no. You're not getting drunk. Bad idea." You said shaking your head. You've never seen an angel get drunk, and you didn't want to. Although it would be funny..

"Please?" Cas pleaded with puppy eyes.

You sighed. How could you ignore those puppy eyes?


10 minutes later, you and Cas arrive at the people invested bar.

You already didn't like this idea.

"This should be fun." You mumbled sarcastically.

"Indeed." Cas said smiling giddily. He obviously didn't understand the concept of sarcasm, but it was cute nonetheless.

You and Cas walked in and took a deep breath. It reeked of alcohol and sadness. The best place to drown your emotions.

You and Cas took a booth in the corner of the bar. Both of you glanced at the menu, deciding to order hot wings whist ordering tons of beer.

Soon enough, a skimpy waitress. She spoke with a flirtatious tongue. Jealously wrapped around you and constricted you. But, Castiel didn't seem to notice the waitress or you.

After ordering, she left without a second glance.

"I am very happy to be spending time with you." Cas put an arm around your shoulder. "Dean taught me that." Cas said after shooting him a curious look.

You smiled. "You're hot."

"I assure you, Y/N, I keep my vessel at a perfect 98 degrees."

"It means you're cute." You winked.

"I got one order of hot wings, and 4 beers. Correct?" The waitress said interrupting your conversation.

"Yep. Thanks." You plastered a fake smile as she returned the same thing.

"You do not have to be jealous." Cas said.

"Whaaat?" You smiled.

"It is written all over your face." A pause. "Well, not really, your face is perfectly fine." Cas smiled brightly. It was a rare sight. His smile was so gorgeous, why didn't he smile more?

~time skippety~

You finished your 3rd drink. You cut Cas off after his first one. Mainly because he face planted into the floor while trying to walk to the Bar.

Never have you met a guy who gets drunk off of one drink.

But I guess there was a first for everything.

"You see- *hiccup* I am not 'drunk'." Cas gave you the best poker face possible.

"You ran into the waitress causing cups to go flying!" You exclaimed while laughing. Cas joined the giggle fit.

"I am just a clumsy person." Cas hiccuped.

"I think it's time to go home. This was really fun, but you're messed up." You giggled slightly.

"How am I messed up? I- *hiccup* feel great." Cas slurred.

"Okay big guy, why don't you tell me all about that in the taxi?" You grabbed your jacket. Along with Cas's arm.

You walked outside and waved down a taxi. You decided that walking home would be too dangerous, Cas would probably wander into the streets, causing something bad to happen.

"Why is that car yellow? Yellow is so bleh." Cas mumbled. "It's only pretty on bees. In that case-"

"Three blocks straight, the motel." You handed the taxi driver a ten. He grunted and drive off.

A few hilarious slurred questions and smelly burps from Cas later, the taxi stops in front of the motel.

"Thank you!" You said as you dragged Cas through the room you and Cas shared. Sam and Dean had the room just to the left.

You led him to the bed. You went into the mini fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. You were about to give it to Cas, but he was already sound asleep. You went into your bookbag and pulled out two aspirins. You set the water bottle and the pills on the table. Quietly, you loosened his tie a bit and threw a blanket over him.

"Sweet dreams my angel."


aww this is vvv cute. hope you enjoyed the fluff (;

make sure to leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed.! id really appreciate it !

ok ilysm -E

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