you're scaring me / dean

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Imagine: Dean coming home really drunk after a fight and he scares you.


The taste of liquor wrapped around your tongue as you downed another shot. You had stole all of Dean's alcohol while he went to the bar to get drunk. Another huge fight, caused by a whore flirting with Dean. You glanced at the clock, 3:29 a.m.

Just then, Sam walked through the door.

"Y/N? What are you doing up?" He asked. Right after speaking, he covered his nose with his t-shirt. "Are you drinking?" It was quite a rare occasion for you to drink, everyone knew that when you drank, you were sad or depressed.

"Go to sleep Sam." You slurred.

"After you tell me what happened." Sam grabbed your arm lightly, leading you to the edge of the bed so you could sit down. You accepted his offer as Sam looked at you.

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Me and Dean got into a huge fight, over some bitch at the bar." As if on cue, you heard a car door slam. Signaling that Dean was back.

"That's my cue." Sam grabbed his laptop and went to his room. He wanted to get you two to make up, so he left you to talk alone.

Dean ripped open the door and groaned loudly. "Some nerve." He mumbled looking around to see empty liquor bottles. "Drinking my alcohol." Dean continued to grumble.

"Hook up with that slut from the bar?" You asked calmly.

"Not this again! You know I wasn't flirting with her! God! You're so stupid." He screamed.

"I'm stupid? You're the one always getting drunk after fights and-"

"Look who's talking! You drank 4 bottles! Probably made out with Sam too!" Anger surged through your body as you tried to find an answer. But alas, you were at a loss for words.

"Listen, dick face, this was a one time thing and I get that you're-" Dean hurriedly walked to you. Nostrils flaring, fists clenched. You backed up into a corner and Dean trapped you. He raised his fist, and you flinched.

He punched the wall next to you.

"Dean, you're scaring me."' You whispered. His eyes enlarged as he saw what he had done. You were still waiting for his punch.

As he was about to speak, he was ripped away from your sight.

"What the hell!?" Sam yelled at Dean.

"I-I." Now it was his turn to be astonished. "I-I am so sorry Y/N. I have to go." He grabbed his keys and slammed the door, leaving you and Sam in silence.


part 2?

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