little things / dean

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just read it pls


Dean's POV:

I love the way her eyes sparkle when she smiles, when she bubbles about something she loves.

I love that her hair is flawless, even when it's in a messy bun.

Her soft lips seem to form the biggest, brightest, most beautiful smile ever.

She's able to make any bad day into a good one. She is the definition of perfection.

She is loving, kind, gentle. She cares about everyone and everything even if she doesn't want to admit it.

But don't be fool, she's tough as nails. If needed, she'll kick your ass. Which, in my opinion is pretty awesome to me.

She's someone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with. Grow old together, maybe have a few kids.

She makes me smile when I'm down, makes me laugh in my darkest days.

She's the reason I look forward to waking up in the morning.

She is my night and day, my sky and my world. My sunshine and my moonlight...

She is perfectly unique.

She is my one and only. Y/N.


this is for anyone feeling down in the dumps. i kinda turned it into a sappy imagine but it's true. I think you're gorgeous, and if anyone says otherwise I will fight them.

also, if your boyfriend/girlfriend (i don't judge) doesn't think these things about you, you don't need them and that's a promise. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

k love uuuu byyee

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