i met a spirit / ghost!sam

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Imagine: you nearly take your life, but an unexpected friend helps you see the good in life.

-suicidal thoughts
-suicidal actions


You didn't know how to explain it. Everything seemed to be ripped from the seams and thrown into a ditch. It was dark and alone. It was..cold.

You seemed to have a hole in your chest. You tried everyday to fill it with something. Happiness, a friend, support. And even the more negative things. You tried antidepressants along with self injury. But nothing seemed to fill your emptiness.

You weren't even sure how it got this bad. One day, everything had come crashing down on you. It progressively got worse. Life just wasn't worth living anymore.

You didn't cry as you drove. Numbness took over as you carried on for miles in your old Toyota.

Somehow you found yourself sitting in the car, parked next to the old county bridge.

It was rusted and lifeless, but something drew you to it. Maybe the bridge had the energy that you needed to fill the gap in your life.

You didn't remember crying, but as you got out and slammed the door shut, you felt the cold wind grab your tear stained face.

As you approached the bridge, thoughts swam your seemingly empty head. You didn't know much, but one thing was for certain. You didn't want to live anymore.

You looked over the railing. A far drop into a certainly icy lake. Closing your eyes, you reminisced on the last 8 months. Everything went to complete shit after you lost your job. Things spiraled out of control from there. You felt like a person without purpose. Life was a game that you were about to lose.

Suicide isn't cowardly, right? Because eventually we all lose.

You put your left foot on the railing and starting pulling yourself over.


You snapped to the side to see a pale man standing there. He wore a plaid shirt with a brown jacket over it. Jeans and hiking boots. His hair was brown that fell just under his ears. He was extremely tall and looked...ghostly.

"W-who are you?" You whispered, just loud enough for the strange man to hear.

"My name is Sam Winchester. I'm hear to help you." 

"No, thanks. I can kill myself alone." You whimpered.

"I don't want you to die, as a matter of fact, nobody wants you to die. Please step away so we can talk." Sam's voice was so soothing and gentle. You took your foot away but kept your hands firm on the railing.

"Listen, i don't know who you are. I don't even know how you found me out here. But, please. Give me one reason I shouldn't jump off right now." You were angry. Hurt. Alone. But most of all you were scared.

"I could give you a million reasons, but for now, I'll say one." A Pause. "Hope."

"Hope? What the fuck is hope supposed to do for me!?" Sudden hot rage took over your body. You stalked over to him and shoved Sam.

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