you witch / dean

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Imagine: a witch hexxes you, but Dean gets to you just in time.


You grabbed your cellphone with shaky hands and tear filled eyes. You decided to dial an old friend. You really needed help, and with stuff like this...

Something was going around killing people. They were dying left and right on your block. In mysterious ways. You feared you were next.

"Hello?" The familiar gruff voice said. 

"I really need your help." you answered. "This sounds like your kind of job and I fear for my life and I-"

"Whoa, Y/N, is that you?"

"Yes Dean. Please get here fast, I think a demon or something is killing people in...weird ways."

"describe weird." Dean said. 

"Some old lady died from choking on a cupcake. A CUPCAKE!" You started to panic.

"Hey. Calm down. Me and Sam are about a 10 minute drive away. We'll be there soon, just, sit tight okay?" Dean told you calmly. That made you ease a bit. They had helped you when your family was nearly murdered by demons. They gave you their number, that if something supernatural were to happen again. Well, now that came in handy. You took deep breaths before blasting your tunes. You decided to throw a frozen pizza in the oven. You turned the oven on at 360 degrees, it started to preheat. Suddenly, you felt very warm. You felt your forehead, you were burning up. But you weren't sick. 

Then, you felt sweat trickle down your forehead onto your neck. You took deep rapid breaths. It felt you were suddenly trapped in the Saharra Desert. You started to panic. You were dying. You felt your body overheat, your skin burned and your lungs felt like they were on fire. You felt tears fall down your cheeks, or maybe it was sweat. But that didn't matter, because you felt your throat close. Losing air...almost gone. 

You wanted the pain to end. It was almost unbearable. You collapsed onto the floor, trying to breathe. Just then, the door burst open, revealing Sam and Dean. 

"Find the hexx bag!" Dean screamed. You wanted to know what that was, but you were busy dying at the moment. Sam started to throw things around. He turned the couch over, sending the pillows flying. He checked the cupboards and threw things around. Dean was kneeling over you. He didn't know what to do. "Y/N, what's the last thing you were doing?" Dean asked with pleading eyes. 

"Oven." You wheezed out. 

Dean's eyes widened. "Sam! The oven!" Dean screamed. Dean ran to the oven and flew the oven open. He pulled out a small cloth bag. He fumbled around in his pocket. You wheezed again. The life in your eyes was almost gone. You knew your body was gonna overheat soon. Your heart would give out. You looked over at Dean who lit the bag on fire. Suddenly, you felt your body cool down. Everything ached, but at least it wasn't on fire anymore. Your breaths were ragged. Dean ran to your side. He felt your forehead. It was still warm, but not the surface of the sun. 

"What. The hell. Was that?" Deep breaths cut into your sentence. 

"That, is what happens when you piss off a witch." Sam said.

"That witch." Dean mumbled. 

"What's a hexx bag?" You asked. 

"Whoa, Y/N. You just had a conversation with death. Why don't you take a break." Sam chuckled lightly.

"I'm not gonna take a break until I know who just tried to murder me...with a fucking cloth bag!" You said angrily.

"That's our job. You can hang with us at the hotel if you don't want to stay here." Dean said. 

"Honestly, that sounds great." You paused. "Thank you guys. You both saved my life." You smiled at them.

"Anytime." Dean winked. You rolled your eyes. You silently hoped that being their friend won't get you killed. 


ok but like being the winchesters friend will get you 100% killed. js. oops. anyways sorry for the lack of updates lol. im actually writing this in class cause we have a substitute. yay. this chapter is honestly trash but i finished in like a half hour so.

i cant believe i got almost 300 views. thats crazzzyyy. so yeah thank you bunches. 

dont forget to leave a comment and/or a vote if you enjoyed it. when you guys leave me votes it makes me so happy. k sorry for blabbing.

love youuss.                                                                                                                                                                                          k bye.

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