i can't / tfw

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Imagine: hunting a dragon, but you can't go because of...circumstances.


"Have we found out what the hell it is?" Dean asked, obviously annoyed.

"I'm working on it." Sam said sitting at the old desk that the motel provided.

You were laying on the bed, your hands over your forehead looking into the ceiling.

The chair creaked as Sam yelled, "I've got it!" You and Dean both hopped up and ran over to Sam, staring at the screen.

He had an article on dragons up.

"I think it's a dragon." Sam said.

"Wait, those are real?" You asked. Sam just chuckled.

"What makes you think it's a dragon? What's so special about it?" Dean questioned.

"Well, remember when we were asking the last victims' best friend questions? If she knew anything?" Sam asked.

"Yeah.." Dean said, indicating for Sam to continue.

"As we were leaving, I heard her mumbling how she died a virgin. And she'll never get to know the..feeling."

"Hold on, so you're saying...that girl was 22 years old..and a virgin?" Dean's eyes were wide.

"That's not the point, Dean. The point is, I found on the folklore that dragons like virgins." Sam explained.

"What do you mean..like virgins?" You asked nervously.

"It means they take them out to dinner." A pause. "It means dragons like to kidnap virgins, Y/N." Sam said with his famous bitch face.

You gulped. You knew you couldn't go, unless you wanted to be kidnapped by dragons.

You sighed mentally. You just had to save yourself till marriage.

"It says here we need a blade dipped in dragon blood." Sam said.

"Where the hell are we gonna find that?" Dean asked.

"Let's go check out the museum." You suggested.

"Good idea."

~time skip~

After an hour of convincing the lady, she finally let us borrow the sword you needed.

Sam wrapped it in a towel and put it in the trunk. All of you got into the impala and started off.

"Dean, can you take me home?" You asked quickly, hoping he wouldn't care to ask.

"Why?" Of course.

"I um..." You mentally slapped yourself. How awkward.

"Oh jeez, Y/N, don't tell me.." Dean asked.

"Heh." You laughed nervously.

"Seriously?" Dean scoffed. "That long without sex?"

"Hey, don't judge me!" You defended yourself.

"You're a Virgin?" Sam asked, only understanding now.

"...yes." You whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"I guess we're taking you home then." Dean said, banging a quick u-turn.


imagine how awkward that would be lololol.

sorry @ all non virgins lol I just thought this was a funny prompt.

also, sorry it took a long time. idk I've been busy. but today's my moms bday!!

well, the 25th.

fun fact: it's been slightly over a year since I joined wattpad.

ok love you byee

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