i didn't mean it / sam

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Imagine: demon!sam hurting you, but he takes control of himself before he could hurt you anymore.


It was a normal day. Quiet. Dean was sleeping on his bed of the motel and Sam, your boyfriend, was doing research at the library about a demon case. It had been jumping from person to person, left and right, causing chaos.

But you weren't worried, you had the tattoos.

You threw away your wrapper from a granola bar you stole from Sam, just as he walked through the door.

"Hey Sam." You said while plopping on the bed and turned the t.v on.

"Hello honey." He smiled. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly. He always called you 'babe'.

"You feeling alright?" You asked gingerly. You put your hand to his forehead to check for a fever. Sam grinned a sadistic looking smile.

"Just dandy." Sam's eyes flashed black. He grabbed your wrist, and twisted your arm around your back. You slammed you into the wall.

"Sam!" You screamed.

"Not anymore." He laughed. "I cannot believe I got a hold of a Winchester." Sam laughed once again, but louder. Suddenly, he let go of your arm, hearing grunts and hits you quickly whipped around to see Dean fighting Sam.

Dean threw Sam a punch, but Sam caught his fist and smiled wickedly. Then, he threw Dean against the wall with his demon telekinesis.

"Your turn." Sam turned around to you. He stomped over and gripped your throat.

"Sam." You whimpered.

"It's a shame, Y/N. He likes you. A lot. I know all of his thoughts. Would you like to hear them?" He tilted his head with a bright evil grin.

"Get out of him!" You screeched. You started to recite the exorcism, but Sam gripped your throat more, causing you not to be able to say it. With his other fist, he punched you in the nose. You felt hot liquid rush down to your neck. Sam then elbowed in your ribs. Causing you to wheeze in pain. You could barely breathe.

"He hates himself. You know that? Still thinks he's a freak. He's not wrong." The demon taunted.

"Shut up." You said through gritted teeth.

Sam pulled out a pocket knife. "Where should I cut first?"

"Fuck...you." You said breathlessly.

"Wouldn't you like that?" Sam spoke, but it wasn't Sam. You tried convincing yourself that, but you've always feared what Sam was capable of doing to you.

Sam sliced near your appendix. Hot blood rushed out of the gash. You struggled under Sam's grasp. You locked eyes with his. Staring with pleading eyes. He raised his knife high above himself, still staring at you. Tormenting you. A tear ran down your cheek.

"Sam, no!" Dean yelled from the other side of the room.

"Please..." You whispered. Something clicked. You watched his pupils dilate. Then, they softened. He gasped as you let you go. Along with the knife.

"Exorcise me!" Sam screamed.

Dean quickly recited the Latin, while Sam fell to his knees with black smoke pouring from his lips.

Your visioned blurred quickly, hunching over, you gripped your abdomen and moaned in pain.

Dean quickly ran to you. "Jesus." He whispered as he lifted your shirt slowly, checking the cut. "It's pretty bad, you need a hospital." You nodded and attempted to walk. But Sam was already at your side, picking you up bridal style.

All three of you quickly rushed to the '67 impala. Sam gently lied you down, allowing you to use his lap as a pillow. You groaned in pain and Dean took off.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He cooed.

"It's okay, Sam. I know." You smiled lightly. You felt your eyes droop.

"It wasn't me, Y/N. I didn't mean it." His face was sad. You reached up slowly and touched his cheek.

"I know, Sam. I know." You whispered, fighting away the blackness that dotted your vision.

"Stay awake ok? We're almost there." You felt a tear from his cheek fall onto your face.

"I'm gonna be ok. Don't worry. I know it wasn't you." You smiled.

"I'm so sorry." Sam sobbed.

"It wasn't you." You whispered. Then, you greeted darkness like an old friend.


ayyyy part 2?

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