hope / sam & dean

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Imagine: you're in an out of body experience after getting seriously injured by a wendigo on the last hunt. You're dying, but the boys have a chance at saving you...in a peculiar way.

*small season 7 spoiler*


You were staring at yourself. Not through a mirror, not at a picture. You were watching yourself stand perfectly still.

You were in a hospital, wearing a gown, and a thin sheet covered you. Many wires and tubes were coming out of you. Dean was sitting in the chair. He looked angry, like he wanted to punch a wall.

Sammy was pacing around the room. But the way they stared at your coma induced body, you knew you were in an out of body experience..which could only mean one thing, you were dying.

Memories seemed to swirl around you. Until finally, It all came crashing down on you.


Ten feet, five feet. It was breathing on you. It smelled of rotten flesh and blood. It made your stomach drop. You hoped this it would eat you nice and fast.

But this creature, known as the wendigo, liked to play with its food.

It scratched you along your stomach. You screamed loudly whilst feeling  blood trickle down your body onto your legs. It screeched loudly, causing you to wince. It cut you again near your collarbone. You only groaned. You were defenseless, bleeding out, and quite frankly, dying.

It took its arm and hit you hard on your head causing everything to blur more. The wendigo did that several time. You'd be surprised if you didn't have a concussion. Then, it finally hit you hard on your head, causing you to fly backwards with the ropes and hit your head on the cave wall.

Your body seemed to burn as much as the sun. Every little part of you ached. Your eyelids were collapsing. Your heart couldn't pump enough blood to replace the loss of blood from your wounds. Your shoulders felt numb. And your head felt like it exploded.

Eventually, the creature left, leaving you die.

Everything was blurry, you were dying..but you were too tired to care.

Suddenly, down the tunnel, it glowed with an orange flare. Then, something screeched loudly..eventually dying down to silence.

Footsteps echoed through the tunnels. You almost gave up, but those footsteps gave you the slightest bit of hope...hope to keep you alive.

Funny, how one tiny sliver of hope can save your life.

Blurred figures ran towards you. Screaming your name. You couldn't tell who or what it was until they were so close you could see the worry in their faces.

It was the boys.

Dean cut the ropes from your wrists and you fell into Sam's arms. You groaned. "You're gonna be okay." Sam whispered to you. More hope.

They took off. Running through the tunnels as fast as possible. You wanted to sleep, the rhythm Sam had ran at made you so sleepy...

"Y/N, stay awake. Please! You're gonna be okay. I got you." Sam shouted as he continued to run. Hope surged through you. You kept fighting, allowing the hope that Sam gave you to help you.

You squinted into the sunlight as they exited the dark place. You let your head fall backwards, leaving you to look at the upside down wooded area.

And in that moment, you felt all the hope the had constricted you, leave your body.

All hope had died, leaving you to close your eyes..maybe even forever.

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