issues / dean

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Imagine: you have self esteem issues, so Dean helps you see how beautiful you are.

-negative self esteem


You were a sweet kind person. You rarely used the word hate.

But when it comes to yourself, that's the only word that seems to come to mind.

Besides the endless list of flaws that you always point out in the mirror.

You had a little extra fat near your hips. Your hair was bland and tasteless. Your lips were too thin. Your eyes were not as vibrant. Your nose was too big. Your boobs weren't big enough. Your butt was too small. All of these nasty things. And for you, the list goes on.

You hated every inch of your body. You tried to love yourself. But all you could see were mistakes. Things wrong with you.

The mirror seemed to be your worst enemy. Funny, how a piece of glass can ruin your life.

Just then, you heard the bathroom door knob jiggle.

"Y/N?" The familiar voice called you back to reality. You were only in your bra and underwear, staring at all the things wrong with you in the bathroom mirror.

"Yea?" You tried to sniffle back a sob, but it escaped your lips before you could stop it.

"Y/N? Y/N!? Open up!" Dean yelled.

"No Dean." You said.

"I will bust the door down, open up."

There was no use fighting him, he'd get to you eventually. You tried to make yourself look halfway decent. So you put on a white shirt and boxers you stole from one of the boys.

You unlocked the door, revealing a very angry Dean. His expression softened when he saw your eyes. They were red and your cheeks were stained.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Dean asked.

You couldn't hold it anymore. You tried to hide these feelings for so long.

"I'm a mistake." You sobbed into your hands. He wrapped his arms around you, petting your hair.

"What?" He asked.

"I look into the mirror, and all k see are mistakes. I can't stand not being pretty. Or even skinny. I hate it. I hate myself." You confessed everything.

Dean pulled away. He gripped your shoulders gently, while looking into your eyes.

"Y/N, how can you feel so low of yourself? I think you're the most beautiful person I know..and I mean that. Being pretty is one thing. Being pretty means that you have a pretty face, a good body. But being beautiful means you shine inside out. Your laugh is amazing, you make everyone smile. You bring out the best in people. Plus, you're absolutely gorgeous. I think you're perfect." Dean ranted.

"I-I...I don't see it. I'll never see it!" You were suddenly furious.

"I'll show you. I'll teach you to love yourself again." Dean said.


"I haven't quite figured that out yet..:but I will. If it's the last hing I do. Cause believe me when I say this, you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." Dean said. Then he gently kissed the top of your head.

It would be a long journey to find beauty in yourself, but Dean will help you, every step of the way.


ok wow.

I absolutely think you're so gorgeous and it's ok if you're still trying to love yourself.

you just have to try ok?

if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here because I love all of yous.

k ilysm stay strong. remember, always keep fighting.


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