Be My Valentine(Jin)

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It was only a few days before Valentine Day and you still didn't have a date for the special school dance that your college has arranged for the whole school.

You did have a few people ask you but you declined them as you were waiting for one person in particular to ask you, it was your best friend Jin.

You have known him since you were young and over the years you had grown feelings for him but never had the courage to tell him. You were at your locker getting your books for your next lesson when someone called your name.

'Hey ___(y/n)". You looked around to see Jin.

"So you got a date yet for the dance"

"Nope you"

"Not yet but I have someone in mind".

"So why haven't you asked her yet".

"Because I want to make it special".

"Ahh I see, well she's going to be lucky to be with you".

"She already is". When He said that He looked straight into my eyes and winked. Why is He doing this to me you thought to yourself.

The bell rang and you and Jin headed to class. It was physics, you never liked it but you had to learn it. The lesson ended and you realised you didn't make any notes during the lesson. You just shook your head and headed out of the class.

"Hey ____(y/n) could you meet me on the roof in about 10 minutes".

"Umm sure but why".

"Just come please"

10 minutes had passed and you made your way to the roof. You couldn't see Jin anywhere.

"Hello Jin"

He suddenly appeared from around the corner, He was wearing a white suit with some flowers in his hand.

"______(y/n) we have been friends for a long time right"


"And we will always be there for each other no matter what happens Next"

"Sure, but what's going on I'm confused".
Jin comes walking towards you slowly, He grabs your hand and said.

"___(y/n) will you be my Valentine.

''Yes Jin I will".

He pulled you in for a hug and picked you up and span you around. This was the best Day of your life.

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