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Requested by TiffanyGoh8, i hope you like it but beware its quite long.... Happy reading everyone 😀😀


You woke up to the sound of your mum banging on your bedroom door, you looked over at your clock and it was only 6:30 and it was a weekend.

"Tiffany wake up, we got to talk to you"

"Okay okay im up, stop banging". What could be so important that they had to wake me up so early. If its nothing to do with moving away from here i didnt want to know. You crawled out of bed and scratched your head, you put your hair up in a bun, grabbed a jumper and headed downstairs.

"What is so important you had to make me get up at 6:30 in the morning"

"Tiffany dont speak to your mother like that" your father growled at you.

"Sorry, now what is it you wanted to tell me"

"Well your father and i have been thinking, you are at a mature age now and we think its time"

"Time for what"

"Tiffany your mother and i have arranged for you to get married, we've already met him and his family and we think you will get along perfect"

"Are you crazy im only 18, i haven't even been in a relationship, did you not think to talk to me first"

"Whats done is done, now stop being a child, you will meet him tomorrow after school.". You just ran upstairs and slumped on your bed and stayed there for the whole day.

The next day you woke up and got ready for school, you ate breakfast and then left the house. You decided to walk instead of getting the bus as You were still really annoyed at your parents and thought it might help calm you down a bit before tonight. You reached the school gates and you saw your friend Mina.

"Hey Tiffany" Mina said in her usual bubbly voice.

"Oh hey"

"Whats wrong, your not very cheery today"

"Its my parents"

"What have they done now". She said whilst giggling.

"Shes arranged for me to get married"

"What, are they crazy, have you even met him"

"No im meeting him and his parents tonight after school". You and Mina carried on talking until you reached your class and your lesson began.

Throughout the whole day you couldnt concentrate, you just kept thinking about what was going to happen. You dont even know why because you didnt really care. The school day finally ended and you headed straight home to prepare for what was going to be a waste of time.

As you got home you changed into something more comfortable. As you were getting ready you heard a knock on the door and so you headed downstairs. As you walked into the kitchen you saw a middle aged man and women.

"Mr and Mrs Jeon this is our daughter Tiffany"


"Its nice to eventually meet our daughter in law". They both said hugging you one after each other.

"So where is your son" your mum said.

"Im here". You heard a voice from behind you, you turned to see a handsome young man. He had short brown hair and beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Excuse me for being rude, you must be Tiffany, im Jungkook, its nice to eventually meet you in person."

"Its nice to meet you too".

You all headed into the kitchen and had dinner together, you all spoke alot and we all got to know each other, well mostly our parents. Every now and then you would look up at Jungkook and you would see him staring at you.

You felt your cheeks blush, you didnt even though why, yes he was handsome and Everything but the way he would eat was sort of like a 10 year old. Shoving all that food in his mouth making his cheeks puff out like a cute hamster.

Stop what was i saying, why am i even like this, why is this boy making me lose concentration, do i actually like him or is it just a stupid little high school crush.

A few months passed and you and Jungkook met quite a few times, it was nice meeting him without the parents around and having the awkward atmosphere.

"So I guess we have to decide soon"

"Decide what"

"When were going to get married and when your going to become Mrs Jeon". Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck almost feeling embarrassed mentioning it.

"Ahh yeah, to be honest i haven't even thought about it, iv had school to think about"

"Its okay no worries, i totally understand, people at our age shouldn't be thinking of these yet". You both started to giggle.

"Dont you find this a little bit strange that our parents are doing this".

"Yeah but i dont like to upset my parents, even if i didnt like the person i would just marry them to keep my parents happy".

"So do you even like me?". You mentally scolded yourself, you dont even know why you asked that question. Even though you didnt fully agree with what your parents were doing one half of you was hoping he did, you didnt know why, maybe it was because you were falling for him.

"Of course i do, if i didnt why would i spend so much time with you and would i do this". He placed both of his hands on your cheeks, he looked deep into your eyes and slowly moved towards you until both of your lips were touching.

You closed your eyes taking in the moment, the kiss felt like magic, it felt like it was meant to. Was he really the one for you, you belive so.

"Maybe we should get married soon"

"Maybe we should".

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