Car Accident (Suga)

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You had just moved to korea as you needed a new start in life. You have been walking around Seoul to get to know the area. You came by a cafe and so you orderd yourself a hit chocolate to go.

As you were about to leave the cafe you heard tires screeching and then a lot of screaming. You couldn't believe your eyes, there has been a massive accident, you left your drink and ran to go and help.

As you know basic first aid you told someone to call for an ambulance whilst you go and help the driver, you opend the driver door and started to work on him.

You realised that the driver was bleeding from his head and abdomin so you used your scarf to rap around his head to try and stop the bleeding and you used your hands to put pressure on the abdominal wound. As I didn't know how bad his condition was I couldn't move him, all I could do is wait.

The ambulance turned up and started to do their work on him and I explained what had happend and what I did. As this young man was alone in the car I quickly searched to see if I could find his phone to contact someone once at the hospital.

The ambulance got to the hospital and he was rushed into surgery, I thought to go with him as someone had to contact his family and friends. I remembered that I had his phone and called the last person who called him, that contact name was Jin, so I called him.



"Who's this "

"My name is (y/n), your friend has been un a serious accident, you need to come to (hospital) quickly"
And with that he ended the call.

20 minutes a group of 6 guys come into the reception asking about their friend, I think they said his name was Yoongi . With that I walked up to the brown haired guy.

"Hello are you Jin, im (y/n) we spoke on the phone"

All the boys turned around and just looked at me whilst Jin just nodded.

"Your friend is currently in surgery, hes been in there for 20 minutes. As far as u know hes only got a head injury and a wound in his abdominal area"

Once you finished telling them what happened they all sat down and you gave one of them Yoongis phone back.

An hour had passed and the doctor came out, the surgery was a success and he is now recovering.

"Miss are you the one who treated him when we got there"

R-" Yea sir"

"Well hes lucky, if yoy werent there and didnt try to stop the bleeding it was a high chance he wouldnt be here right now"

And with that you bowed and the doctor left.

Once we finished talking the boys and you started to walk towards the room. We got there and we all could see that he was really weak but thankful that he was alive. They were all hugging and chatting about what happened .

You just stood outsise the room as you didn't want to interupt the moment.

"Hey Jungkook whos that standing in by the door"

"That's (y/n) she's the one that helped you after the accident and called us"

Yoongi then whispered into Jongkook ear, and the next minute I know im being pulled into the room towards him.

"Thank you for helping me"

"Your welcome"

And with that he gave you a cheeky eye smile.

"Oh by the way I'm Jungkook just Incase you didn't hear earlier"

"Nice to meet you"

"and this is J-hope, Jimin, Taehyun, Namjoon and Jin obviously"

"Nice to meet you all"

Its been a couple of weeks since Yoongi 's accident but he's doing good now , we have all stayed in contact since that day and you also found out they are famous here, they are in a group called BTS, they were amazing. I couldn't be much happier right now, this move to Korea was the best decision you ever made.

Part 2 coming up soon if people like this part.

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