Surprising News Pt 2 (Jin)

106 7 2

Request by clairegrisham3

It was almost time for me to give birth, any moment now our little baby was going to be born. We didnt know whether it was a bot or girl yet because we wanted to keep it as a suprise. As Jin was practicing alot i stayed with a friend just incase.

Me and my friend was in the kitchen making some cakes when all of a sudden i had a sharp pain go straight through my stomach.

"Maria are you okay"

"Yeah im fine just... Ahhh, oh gosh my water just broke"

"Oh my gosh okay keep calm I'll grab the bag and ill drive you to the hospital". We headed down to Anna's car and she drove us there as quick as we could. The pain was getting worse and worse.

"Okay Maria breath". We arrived at the hospital and in no better time, i couldnt handle the pain anymore.

"Anna, Jin"

"I'll call him dont worry, he wont miss this".

*Jin pov*
I was in the middle of practicing when ny phone rang.


"Jin its Maria, shes in Labour"

"Okay im.on my way, guys i got to go its Maria". I hurried out of the practice room and drove to the hospital".

*Maria pov*
Iv been in labour for almost and hour now, the doctors gave me some gas and air for the pain. It was almost time for me to push, but i didnt want to until Jin arrived.About another 20 minutes later and Jin eventually arrived.

"Jin your here"

"Of course, now i need you to be strong and push for me and the doctors". You nodded and began to push. You pushed and pushed until the baby came out.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Kim, its a baby boy"

"Well done babe, you did it, now what should we call him"

"How about Seokjin, Kim Seokjin"

"That sounds brilliant".

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