Surgery Part 3 ( J Hope)

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You woke up early next morning to go and pick J hope up from hospital, you wanted to suprise everyone. You left a note for his parents saying you went out to go and get some food.

You text the boys and told them to come by your apartment. You headed to the hospital and you couldn't wait to see him. You arrived and headed inside, you asked which room j hope will be in and headed towards him.

You found the room and you could see He was awake and full of energy.

"Hey J hope how you feeling",

"I'm good thanks, so what brings you here"

"I'm here to take you home"

"Really, werr are the others".

"Hopefully at my apartment waiting for me to come home, they don't know your coming home, I'm suprising them".

"You and your suprises".

"Its what I'm good at, now get out of bed and get dressed we've got people to suprise."

J hope slowly got out of bed and got changed into his clothes, you had to help him a little bit as He was still quite unstable on his feet due to the medication He was on.

"You ready"


"Then let's go"

You carrird his things and put your arm around his waste to help him and He put his arm around your shoulder to help support himself. You got to the car and drove back home.

Whilst driving back home your phone vibrated.

"J hope could you have a look who that is for me please"

"Its Jin, he's asking were you are"

"Text saying I'm stuck in traffic and I will be home às soon as I can"

30 minutes later you arrived at home, you got out of the car and grabbed J hope's bags. You helped him inside and you got in the elevator. You reached your apartment door and listend to see who was around.

"Do you want to wait outside'

"No its fine I'll come in".

"Okay". You opend the door and went inside.

"Guys I'm back and I have a suprise for you".

"J hope your back". Jungkook said.

"Hey guys".

"I thought this would be a good suprise".


"Hey mom, dad"

You all started talking about what happend. It was getting late and so yhe boys prepared thenselves to leave.

"Hey guys J Hope is going to stay here with his parents.".

"But what about you, were are you going to stay".

"I can stay with the boys if its okay with them".

"Sure" they all said.

You went and sat by J hope and held his hand.

"Right you should get some rest and I will bring some of your clothes round tomorrow okay".

"I'm fine, look". He got up and did his sexy lip bite dance.

He looked reallu sexy, but He did hurt himself a bit, but it was funny to watch.

You went into your room to pack a few things of yours. You hugged hun goodbye and you left the apartment. You arrived at the boys dorm, Taehyung showed you the room you would be staying in and you went straight to bed as you were really tired.

[To Be Continued]

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